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Third Person.
May 12th at 9:30am

Caesar woke up earlier than everyone else, except Lisa Lisa. "Would you like to help me make breakfast?" she asked the Italian who just  walked into the kitchen, rubbing his eyes. "Sure."


Joseph, Suzie, and Holly came down and they all ate together. They talked together more. "I booked a flight for May 15th to go back to New York! Pack your bags soon" Suzie Q cleaned after herself and headed to her room. "By the way Joseph, have you continued hamon training?"


"He hasn't" Lisa Lisa cut him off. "Hey! You said you wouldn't tell him" Jojo stood up and pointed at her. "Did I? Anyways, speaking about hamon training, we should continue it. We might not have any enemies but I can't bare to look at you with wrinkles" she laughed softly at her own words and went to put her plate in the sink. "Hmph."

"So what should we start with, coach?" Caesar asked the young looking woman. "Hmm, lets see." she started thinking. They have already done technically everything during their 33 days of hamon traning 4 years ago. "I have an idea. Follow me"


Around 10 hours passed and the two males sat on the ground. "You didn't mention we were going to climb that damn pillar again. Luckily I, Joseph Joestar, already impro-" Caesar cut him off "You were struggling to hold on to the edge, Mr Joestar" Joseph scoffed "Mr Joestar? You're making me feel like an old man, Caesar-chan" he laughed as Lisa Lisa brought in some water after their long day of training. "Ill have to say, you only took 10 hours. Thats way less time than 4 years ago. Good job" Caesar smiled and nodded his head "Thank you, Coach"


It was now 7:56pm. Both of them were tired and decided to relax outside for a while. "Did you ever have a dream while you were in a coma?" Joseph asked and faced Caesar. "No. It's unlikely to have a dream while in a coma" he took a sip of his drink and looked at the sky. It was peaceful. The weather wasn't too bad, and the sun was still somewhat out. "Oh. Did you dream about anything last night?" he looked at the blonde's calm expression. "Yeah."

"What was it?"

"Im not telling you, idiota"

Joseph frowned and sighed loudly, making sure Caesar would hear. "It would make my day if my little Caesarino told me his dream, but he doesn't want to" he 'whispered' to himself'

"Still not telling you" Caesar got up and went inside to eat dinner. 'Tch. That damn blonde' Joseph thought to himself and followed behind Caesar.


After they ate dinner, Caesar excuses himself and went to go take a shower. Meanwhile, the other 4 were in the kitchen. They looked at each other and waited for Caesar to turn the water on. A couple minutes passed and they finally heard the shower on. "Alright, so what should we do for his birthday tomorrow?" Lisa Lisa immediately said and sat on the counter.

"Cake!" Holly squealed. "Well duh, you can't celebrate your birthday without cake" Joseph scoffed and started thinking. Caesar likes sunflowers. Maybe I can get him sunflowers?  Maybe. What kind of cake does he like? Does he even like cake?' all those were questions Joseph asked to himself. He wanted to make sure his best friend has the best birthday after years of not celebrating it. Come to think of it, this is actually the first time Caesar would spend his birthday with Jojo- I mean with him awake, at least.

The room filled with silence. All you could hear was the shower running. Everyone was deep in thought until Joseph spoke "I think I have an idea"

Meanwhile, Caesar is in the shower thinking of Joseph and his' conversation a couple of minutes ago. He did have a dream last night. It was about Jojo. He felt dirty thinking about it, he's married with a kid. He shouldn't be thinking about that.

Caesar rinsed out the shampoo from his hair and turned off the water.

''Tch. He's a married man. It's not like I had the chance to tell him even if he wasn't. I don't think he would accept those feelings from a guy, especially me'

To be continued

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