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June 4th, 12:40am
Joestar Residence, New York

"Can we talk?"

Caesar looked at Suzi confused. He slowly walked to his bed and sat next to her. "Sure."

Suzi gave him a gentle smile and started with "It's about the other day, if you don't mind talking about it..." Caesar seemed hesitant, but agreed.

"I....I don't mind." Caesar felt nervous. He didn't show it, though. His palms were sweating. "I asked Joseph about it after you went to your room... and he said that he was just upset or frustrated about something, but that what he said wasn't true and that you aren't- well, you know"

Caesar continued to listen.

"Joseph got- well, defensive about it. He usually never does, except that day and the day you almost died..." Caesar gave her a confused look.

"What do you mean by defensive?" he asked her. She got into a more comfortable position and said "His tone changes, he gets more serious, and he just seems uncomfortable"

"Oh... well, what are you trying to tell me by this?" Suzi sighs. 'Why is this guy so slow??' She thought. Caesar waited for a response.

"He really cares about you, Cae, and I think that what he said just slipped out because he wasn't thinking. Maybe try to talk to him, please. No matter how much I try to be there he still feels bad. So just keep it in mind." She gets up from the bed and walks towards the door.

"He needs you, Caesar" was the last thing she said before she walked out the room, closing the door. Caesar was left dumbfounded.

Maybe he should just talk to him. He lied down on his side, looking outside the window. The stars looked pretty. Cae continued to think about what Suzi said. His eyes started getting tired; they kept closing.

'I'll talk to him tomorrow' Caesar thought. The blonde finally went to sleep.

.   .   .

June 5th, 10:00am
Joestar Residence, New York

Joseph walked down the stairs after brushing his teeth. He took a seat next to Lisa Lisa. She seemed quite cheerful.

Suzi served herself and her family breakfast. She left a plate of eggs and yogurt, with a cup of juice to the other seat next to Joseph. She sat across from them, with Holy. They all thanked her.

"What's with you?" Joseph asked his mother. Lisa Lisa looked at him and cleared her throat.

"Nothing. Why?" She asked and picked up her fork. Joseph then looked at Suzi, who just shrugged her shoulders.

"You seem more cheerful today" JoJo said and got a bite of his egg. They all heard footsteps coming towards them. Joseph looked back and saw Caesar. Suzi smiled at him.

"Morning uncle!" Suzi said with food in her mouth. Caesar laughed and greeted them. He took a seat next to Joseph, which took him by surprise. They were all eating peacefully, with some side conversations then and there.

"So, guys, i'm thinking we can all go out to dinner this afternoon" Suzi said.

"That sounds like a wonderful idea" Lisa Lisa replied and looked at the two boys by her, waiting for a reply.

"Sure. Where to?" Caesar responded and drank some of his juice. They all thought for a bit. "Joseph should choose, he knows more about New York than us" Caesar added on.

'Okay so he's sitting next to me but is still calling me Joseph instead of JoJo. Maybe he isn't as angry anymore. If we all go out to dinner maybe he will get close with me again. I mean, who would be able to resist all this?' JoJo was deep in his thoughts until he felt Caesar elbow him.

"What happened?" He finally got out of his thoughts. Caesar sighed. Lisa Lisa coughed and repeated what she had said.

"Do you have any ideas on where to go eat?" Joseph thought for a moment. What were some good places he liked?

"You guys like mexican food?"

A few hours later

They had the idea to invite Erina and Smokey as well. It's been a while since they have all ate together.

The group arrived at this restaurant named 'El Vez and Burrito Bar" and met up with Granny and Smokey.

They all greeted each other and waited to get taken to their table. When Caesar saw Smokey again, he thought about what Smokey told him last time and smiled. The waitress lead them to their table. Caesar took a seat, and Smokey sat on his right, while Joseph on his left.

Cae looked at Smokey. "How have you been?" He smiled at the boy.

"I've been doing good, I found a job and it pays me pretty well" Smokey said.

"Where do you work at, Smokey?" JoJo joined the conversation. The three were talking until they got their menus.

"What dishes do you recommend, Joseph?" Caesar asked while looking through all the foods and drinks. Joseph thought for a second.

"They have a kale caesar salad" Joseph giggled as Caesar gently hit his head. "No but actually, this one is really good" He pointed to a dish with a name he couldn't pronounce.

"Joseph that is literally the easiest thing to pronounce"

Joseph once again sunk into his thoughts without realizing it. "When is he going to stop calling me Joseph? I miss the regular Caesarino! After ordering i'll just pull him aside. Nothing could go wrong, right?"

After Joseph came back to the real world, he asked Caesar to order for him. The blonde sighed. The waitress came and took their orders.

"Thank you, señorita" Caesar winked at the waitress just nodded, smiled and walked away.

"Seriously?" Joseph grunted.

To be continued...

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