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June 5th, 6:30 pm
El Vez and Burrito Bar, New York

"What?" Caesar laughed at Joseph's disappointed expression. "You're the one who told me to go on dates and flirt" Caesar whispered.

"About that, can we talk? Like in private" Joseph whispered back. Caesar sighed and nodded.
"Excuse us" Caesar got up, along with Joseph and they went near the restrooms where no one else was.

"I'm sorry, about everything. I was just.. confused." Joseph looked down.

"Confused? About what?" Caesar asked while trying to look at the boy's face. He leaned against the wall and waited for Joseph's response. He took a deep breath.

"I can't tell you right now, but all I know is that I was a dick for not talking to you and then blaming it on you then saying some stuff that Lisa Lisa, and Suzi heard.. but don't worry! I told Suzi that I was-"

Caesar cut off Joseph; "I know what you told Suzi. I can see why you care about her so much. If it wasn't for her, I probably wouldn't be talking to you right now." he smiled.

JoJo looked up at the blonde. "What did she say?" He asked. Caesar laughed.

"I'll tell you when you tell me what you were confused about" He put his arm around the brunette as he smiled.

"So... do you forgive me?"

Caesar laughed again; "Of course I do, idiota" Joseph laughed with him. He was happy that his best friend is back to normal.

Joseph hugged him. They shared an embrace.

"Bubble boy"

"Oh shut it, clacker ball boy"

They stopped hugging and went back with the others. The two sat back in their seats and talked with the group.

"Caesar, I'm pretty amazed at how you were able to pronounce those words" JoJo commented.

"Maybe because I took Spanish classes in middle school and high school, pendejo" Caesar bragged. Smokey couldn't help but let out a little giggle.

"What does that mean?" JoJo asked, confused. "He called you a dumbass, dumbass" Smokey replied and started laughing more.

"What did we say about cursing at the dinner table, Ki?" Erina interrupted.

"Ki?" Joseph laughed. "Says the one with the nickname JoJo!" Smokey joked. Joseph was taken aback.

"I can't believe you insulted my grandfather and the rest of my bloodline!" The boy dramatically put his hand on his forehead. "I'll remember this, Ki" he couldn't help but laugh again at the name.

The lady came back with the group's drinks. "The food will be here shortly" she smiled and then walked away.

"I remember going out to eat with your grandfather in places like these, JoJo. It takes me back" she smiled at the thought. Elizabeth put her hand on Erina's shoulder.

"Tell us more" She commented. Erina put her hands together and thought.

"He was very handsome. And brave. The first time I met him that's what I immediately thought." She looked up, then frowned. "His brother, Dio, was a real asshole, though."

"Dio? How so?" Joseph asked. Erina has told him about his grandfather, but never what Dio did. The whole group was listening.

"He made Jonathan's life- well, horrible. He took my first kiss when I wanted it to be with Jonathan. They always fought, and Dio was the cause of my husband's dead" she sighed.

"What happened to Dio?" Suzi Q asked.

"Well, after the ship was burnt with JoJo in it, I had Elizabeth in my arms. I was in a coffin going back to land. Dio's head was in Jonathan's arms, so I'm hoping he sunk." she confessed.

Joseph was intrigued. The waitress finally came with their food and served it to them. "Enjoy!" They all thanked her.

"Granny, can you tell me more later?" he asked. Erina nodded and smiled. The group started eating the delicious food.

"Caesar-" Joseph chewed while speaking. "These in-chee-lay-duhs are good." he swallowed. Caesar looked at the boy.

"It's en-chi-lah-das!" he ranted. He grabbed one of the chip sauces and was about to rub it on his face, but he realized JoJo's granny was watching. "Oh you're so going to get it when we get back home" he whispered.

"Woahh!!!" Joseph giggled. "What are you claiming to do?" Caesar sighed annoyingly and pinched his thigh. "Ouch! okay!!"

"Uncle! Wasn't your grandpa friends with my dads?" Holly asked after taking a sip out of her agua de horchata. Caesar paused for a moment.

"Yeah. He taught JoJo's grandpa Hamon; and saved his life" Caesar mumbled. Joseph took another bite and then lied on Caesar's shoulder, his head facing up. "You got that saving the Joestars from him then, huh?" JoJo said.

"I guess so" Caesar's mood lightened up as he giggled. Joseph got up and took a sip of his drink. Caesar drank his beer and ate his torta.

After he chewed, he asked Erina "Do you know more about my grandpa" Erina nodded and wiped her mouth. "He was a gentleman. He always looked out for JoJo. Those two and the Speedwagon were very close."

"We should've invited my uncle" Joseph croaked. Erina agreed. "He had to do his Speedwagon foundation duties today. We can go out to eat all together soon"

"And me, you, my caesarino, and he could hang out and you guys tell us allllllllll about the good old days" Joseph exclaimed. Caesar nodded.

"We'll see" Granny replied.

They all chatted for another hour or so and enjoyed their food.

To be continued...

(a/n: i literally have no clue about this restaurant I just searched up mexican restaurants in new york so shhh. also I'm mexican so since I'm mexican caesar is going to know Spanish but anyways thank you guys for all the votes and comments so far! and thank you all for being patient. hopefully, I can release more chapters soon.!)

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