
433 12 19

May 15, 8:35pm
Joestar Residence, New York
Joseph raced down the stairs with Holly in his arms, not being able to wait one more second for pizza. They ran to sit at the table and served themselves a slice. Caesar walked to the table slightly after and served himself a slice as well.

Later at night, Joseph finds himself on the balcony. It was about 10:56pm now. The moon and stars were shining so bright, the city looked beautiful from his view. Cars passing by, people out late, and people getting out from work. The breeze felt cool. Joseph uncapped his iced tea and drank it while still looking at the city.

"So.." a voice says from behind JoJo.

"So?" Joseph turns around to see Caesar walking towards him. He leaned on the balcony fence and looked into JoJo's eyes.

"You know you can tell me anything, right? I may make fun of you sometimes, but we both know i'm messing with you" Caesar states and makes JoJo smile.

"I know that, but i'm just scared"

"Joseph Joestar? Scared? Come on idiot, tell me" Cae punches his shoulder playfully and listens carefully.

"Promise you won't tell anyone" Joseph lets out his pinky and puts it in front of him. Cae laughed and pinky promised him.


Caesar lets go and waits for him to say it. The two boys were silent, looking at each other. Joseph takes a deep breath, putting his hands on his knees. "You know how you told me you're gay" JoJo whispered and Caesar nodded.

"Well, i've been thinking about my sexuality, for a while now actually" Caesar looked at Joseph, wide eyed.

"Well, more than a while. Probably a bit after we first met." Caesar looked confused. 'After we first met? What does he mean?' Caesar thought for a while while looking at JoJo.

"Papaaaaaaa!" Holly came running to balcony with a broken toy in her hand. They both turned to look at her.

"Holly? Didn't I already tuck you in bed?" Joseph laughed it off. "Yeah, but I couldn't sleep! I wanted to play with my dolls, but my Mary doll broke! Momma is sleeping so I thought you could fix it" Joseph sat on the ground and Holly gave him the doll.

He looks at it carefully and sees the arm was broken. He laughed "It copied me" he tried popping it back on with some hamon for support. He gave it back to her and she ran back to her room.

"Go to bed!!!"

Caesar was still silent as ever. "Well goodnight bubble boy" JoJo pat Caesar's back and was about to go back to his room. Cae pulled his hair in a playful manner and said "Don't call me that idiota"

Once Joseph was gone, Caesar couldn't help but to continue wondering what he meant. But it was getting late, and he had to continue unpacking tomorrow. He sighed it off and went to his bed.

He turned.

Then turned again.

Until he lied on his back, looking at his ceiling.

"I can't sleep"

He put his arm to relax on his forehead. All he could think about was what Joseph said. 'What the hell could he have meant?'

The rest of the night, Caesar had trouble sleeping until 5 in the morning.


Next day!!!

"Uncleeee!!!" Holly jumped and jumped on Caesar's bed until he woke up. He looked at the clock. '12:37? shit.'

"Grandma told me to wake you up because when she tried, you thought it was Papa" Caesar sat up and smiled at her. "Well, thanks for waking me up" they both got off the bed and Caesar went to go brush his teeth.

He fixed his hair.

Then changed into some clothes.

He went downstairs.

"Did you even sleep last night, Caesar? I'm worried" Suzi Q was the first to notice him.

"Uh what do you mean? Why are you worried?" Caesar asked. How would she even know if he slept or not? "Your eyes, silly!"

"She's right. Your eyes look pink and you have circles under them" Lisa Lisa added.

"I was just up...thinking. There's nothing to worry about, but thank you both for your concern." He went to the kitchen to get a glass of water. He picked it up to drink out of it, but the water splashed on his face.


Joseph heard from the dining room. He couldn't stop laughing. "I just had to check if you were actually awake!" Caesar started walking towards Joseph, thats when he stopped laughing.

"I'M SORRY!" he ran while Caesar chased after him.

2 weeks passed since they moved to New York.

Those 2 weeks were going amazing until...

To be continued!!

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