
617 23 31

May 15, 4:38pm
New Home // New York

The group finally made it to their new house in New York. Granny Erina and Smokey lived near them, which was one of the only things Joseph wanted to make sure of. Once they arrived, Erina and Smokey came to help them, greet them and everything.

"GRANNY!" Joseph called out to Erina and hugged her tightly, lifting her up. "Hello to you too, JoJo" she smiled and hugged her grandson back. "You can let go of me now" JoJo laughed and placed her down. "I'm sorry, I just really missed you. And your cooking" she laughed. Smokey came from behind her.

"JoJo! Long time no see" Smokey gave a hug to the older as they both smiled. "I missed you, Smokey. You gotten a lot older than before"

"I guess so."

Caesar leaned on the car, he heard a lot of things about them from Joseph... however it has been 4 years and his memories are a bit blurry. He looked at the sky while hearing Lisa Lisa have a conversation with Erina and Smokey talking with Holly. He noticed Suzie Q was sitting on the porch alone. He walked up to her

"Aren't you going to say hi?" Caesar asked her, startling her.

"Well yeah but- I don't know how to introduce myself to JoJo's grandma and basically brother" Caesar smiled. "You will be fine, don't worry. Just be confident" She nodded and got up. "Hey, shouldn't you say hi to them too?" she asked the blonde beside her. "Yeah but- you first" he pushed her near them and went back to leaning on the car. He took out a cigarette and started smoking as he watched Suzie Q talk with them.

He then looked on the floor, lost in thoughts of a boy in particular. "Caesarino~"

"Damn it JoJo!"

'Now I know how Suzie felt when I startled her'

He then cursed in Italian. Joseph grabbed Caesar's cigarettes and tossed it on the ground, taking it out. "Why'd you do that" the blonde hissed and pulled out another cigarette, Joseph snatching the box out of his hands.

"Because granny is sensitive to cigarettes. Its a long story" Caesar sighed and put his lighter away. "You must be Caesar Zeppeli, correct?" They both heard Erina come up and ask. "Yes, that is me" he gave a gentle smile and bowed to her. "I have heard a lot about you, it all seems pretty accurate other than how JoJo said you were.. not nice"

Caesar's eyes widened as he looked at Joseph. "I told her that when we didn't get along i'm sorry!" Joseph squealed and wrapped himself around Erina. "However, you are more mature than Joseph over here" Caesar laughed and Joseph scoffed. "Thank you, signora. It is an honor to meet you." he kissed her hand gently.

"I like this one, keep him" Erina whispered to Joseph. "Granny! I told you i'm married to Suzie Q!" JoJo's face turned red. "Oh right, I love her. She is such a nice girl"

Whilst Erina and Joseph had their conversation, Smokey came up to Caesar. "You're Caesar, right?" he asked the tall man. "Mhm" he smiled. Who knew being a gentleman to people other than the girls he flirted with back in Italy is such a pain in the ass. Having to smile all the time. "I'm Smokey. Can we go a bit far away from them?" he asked.

"Uhh, sure" Caesar was not sure what the younger had to say, but he agreed. "What is it that you would like to talk about?" the blonde asked.

"Well, it's about JoJo"


Caesar was flushed at what Smokey said. He was red the entire time they walked back with the group. He tried covering it but it failed horribly.

"Caesar, are you okay? Your face is red"


"I'm fine, JoJo." Caesar replied tried avoiding eye contact with the taller man.

To be continued

a/n: how the hell do i do those like really detailed fanfics where its like "Joseph carefully hugged injured Caesar as the cold wind from the hospital room flowed against their noses, making Jojo shiver for a moment as goosebumps appear" LIKE ITS SO??? ANYWAYS. TAKE THIS FOR NOW

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