Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

After half an hour of dodging everything thrown at Steve, it was finally time to get off that dreaded vehicle. He was about to run down the aisle when Clint went straight into Natasha, sheepishly he turned his head to the ground and mumbled an apology, they both got off after that and went their separate ways. No one ever knew where Natasha Romanoff went during her free time at school since no one ever reported seeing her. Many of the boys including Clint liked Natasha but whenever someone made a move on her they soon regretted it as she would use her incredible flexibility and amazing fighting skill to leave them lying on the ground before they even knew what was happening. Therefore only new kids at the school, who knew no better, would even try and talk to her. Despite all the other outgoing boys Natasha had noticed Clint. The shy who always sat at the back and got on, but he also was an outstanding archer. Not many people knew this; the only people who did were some teachers and people who were lucky enough to stumble upon him practising. Natasha was the only one though that he hadn’t caught and sent on their way with a stern warning of not to tell anyone or they may have a close encounter with him and his arrows again but not such a nice one.


The bell signalled the beginning of first lesson but today was different, today we found out who the new head teacher is. There were many candidates but they were all friends with our last head master, Charles Xavier. Sadly, a few weeks ago Charles died leaving the whole school heartbroken, he was the best head teacher that anyone could ask for as he helped all of us individually even when we had been at this school for over three years, he always knew who needed help and why since he was a mutant with telepathic abilities but they were much stronger than any other. All the students here were recruited by him many of which were in need of assistance as they were bullied, abused or worse for whom they were. Not many knew about how he died only teachers and the group of kids called the X-men. These were handpicked for their abilities and ability to save the world, the group were only mutants but not semi-mutants like Bruce Banner. A semi-mutant is a mutant who was created by an inhumane method like a failed science experiment. Some mutants, like Logan, have been enhanced by being experimented on but they are still classed as ‘full’ mutants as they were originally born with or developed powers as they grew up. The X-men consists of Logan (Wolverine), Storm, Scott (Cyclopse), Kitty, Bobby (Iceman), Maria/Rogue and Blink.


Sorry it has been so long I  have just been too busy or tired. I also apologise for if I missed any of the X-men out, my excuse is that I haven't read any of the comics, altough I really want to, since there isn't a comic book store anywhere near me, but I did include as I just loved her in X-men Days of Future Past! One more thing, if anyone could comment Storm's real name that would be great and really appriciated! Thanks!

Peace out :-P


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