Chapter 11

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"Everyone please retake your seats!" Nick Fury hollered down the hall way at the group of students stood talking among themselves (except Steve) and they all shuffled back into the room. "Right we have a system that will help you choose your new 'hero' names," he said with air quotation marks around the word 'hero'. Everyone took it as a joke apart from Thor who looked a bit miffed about it, "You will take it in turns and everyone will say what they think you should be called. Then you choose from any of these names or keep your real name, " Fury said with a clap of his hands. Everyone went silent as they thought of names for everyone, you could on some people's faces that they were thinking very hard about it such as Bruce who had his face scrunched up and was chewing his classes. On the other hand, though, people like Tony, literally, Had their feet up and look like they were about to fall asleep. "Right then times up!" Nick hollered and went on to spin a wheel that had all our names on, hey you can't be high - tech for everything! The wheel spun and spun with the colours and words merging together into one giant mess. Gradually it got slower and slower with each turn until you could start to make out different letters or parts of names. It stopped on Thor. We all wrote the names we thought of on a piece of paper and out them in a bowl, that way it was all anonymous but we did have the option to say which one was ours at the end.
Thor strode over to the glass bowl that reflected his long, blonde hair, he then picked up all the scraps of paper and began to unfold them,
"Hammer-man... Lighting God... Swag Hammer..." we all looked over at Tony,"Thunder Clap... And Worthy!" everybody chuckled at this one, "You know!? Some of these are quite good but I want to stick my name as it is a godly name!" again there came a chorus of laughter from the room.
Again Nick spun the wheel, he repeated this for everyone. Tony got the names 'Yellow and Red, Laser Hand, Iron Man, Iron Genius' and 'Red Robot' without much consideration he chose Iron Man but did procédé into a lecture about The suit not actually being made of iron. Next was Steve he had to choose from 'American Man, Captain America, American Frisbee Thrower' and 'Badass Frisbee Thrower' he smiled at 'Captain America' and chose that one. Natasha then had to pick from 'Black Widow, Sexy Bitch, Badass Ninja, Alleyway Princess' and 'Red Head Diva' most of these she just cringed at but she did quite like Black Widow and Alleyway Princess but finally chose Black Widow. Nobody wrote anything for Bruce as we all knew he wanted Hulk. Finally it came to Clint,
"Okay... So I got, B (Bow Badass), Nina Archer, Backflip Archer, Hawkeye and Silent Arrow! Hmm... I quite like the last two but I'm going to have to go with... Hawkeye!" After this the bell went signaling the end of the day.

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