Chapter 10

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It was the following day at lunch and Clint, Natasha, Steve, Thor, Bruce and Tony were all gathered in the same room as the previous day, however, the chairs had all been removed, creating much more space in the cream room. Natasha and Clint were stood together on one side of the room with Steve stood awkwardly next to them, he still looked extremely upset but none of the others knew why. Thor, Bruce and Tony were all stood on the other side of the room, nobody was saying a word and there was a tense atmosphere in the room, as well as this the only interaction between anyone were the daggers being sent to Clint through Tony's eyes. Suddenly, the doors burst open and in walked Nick Fury and one other woman,
"Avengers, this is Maria Hill and she will be supporting you through this experience," everyone nodded towards Maria and she did the same back. "Now, the first thing d are going to do today is show each other the unique talents you each possess, after this you each will help each other decide whether to keep your name or have code names and, if so, what it will be," After these words left Nick's lips Clint immediately shrunk back into the wall and tried to make himself as small as possible. "Barton? Why don't you go first?" Maria said, Nick looked over at Clint and gave him a reassuring look as he was one of the only people who knew why he kept his talent a secret. Well, that was about to change. Maria went over to the wall and a panel appeared, "Just put your hand on here and everything will be set up for your needs," Clint placed his hand on the panel and felt a tingling sensation as the machine scanned his palm. The next thing he knew a whole new room was pending in front of him and it was set up with many targets, some still, some moving. To his right there was his own bow and arrow, how they got a hold of this, he never knew. Picking up his bow, he took a deep breathe and entered the room, once he did he forgot about everyone watching him and just did what he did best. Jumping over boxes and ducking under small ledges he shot arrow after arrow, never did he miss or not hit the target in the middle. Clint was officially in his element but before he knew it he had shot his last arrow and everything faded showing Clint that everything hac been a simulation. Clint placed his bow back in the place he found it and re-entered The room and saw everyone staring at him, instantly his face turned bright red but that faded once he got back to Natasha and was embraced in her arms whilst she congratulated him.
Next was Tony and when he entered the room there were also targets placed around the room, some stil and some moving but instead of a bow and arrow a metal suit encased him, it was red and gold and looked incredibly hard to move in. All at once Tony lifted from the ground and started flying around shooting the targets with blasts from his hands. Everyone had to admit, it was pretty cool. Eventually, he finished and stepped out only to be replaced by Thor who demolished everything with lighting he summoned with his hammer called Mjölnir that only he could lift.
When Steve entered everybody was shocked at how muscular he actually was and within minutes he had destroyed everything with his shield, the most amazing part though was that every time he threw it he was always on the move and managed to get a hod of it again incredibly easily. It was as if he had practised on this exact course and knew exactly what to do But of course this was is first time and he was amazing. Bruce went in next and literally turned into a huge, green rage monster and went around destroying everything whilst shouting two words
"HULK SMASH!" It looked like he already knew his code name.
Lastly, it was Natasha's turn and when she entered she went into a small room and changed into the tightest, black body suit who have ever seen, she even earned a wolf whistle from Tony. She went in a and was tied to a chair and was interrogated by three men and they were all speaking Russian, including Natasha. Nobody quite knew what her skill was until one guy came to close and she head butted him and then she was off punching, kicking and flipping the three men. At one point she landed on one of the men, knocking the guy out with the chair she was still tied to but this action smashed it. Five minutes later all three of the men were lying unconscious on the floor. As Natasha walked out, after putting her original clothes on, all of the group were stood with their jaws hanging in shock.
"Right then, we will take a break now and carry on in fifteen minutes," Nick announced and with that everyone exited the room.

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