Chapter 5

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They all started to return to their classes when there was an ear piercing shriek that sent a shiver down Clint’s spine. When he looked around no one else was reacting to it. Had he just imagined it? He kept walking but stopped dead in his tracks When he heard it again, causing about ten people to knock into each other and send a few curses his way. This time it had sounded like a child but, again, nobody else was reacting. That's when he saw it. A man was stood in the middle of the crowd staring at him, all the others seemed to have noticed him as they were walking around him but it was still like he wasn't there, like he was the extra in the back of a shot in a film. The man had shaggy brown hair, emerald green eyes and was wearing a tight fitting black top and dark blue jeans. Clint felt a strange recognition towards this man but where from?  Slowly the puzzle pieces came together and a tidal wave of misery rushed over him. The man standing in front of him was his dad.
"Clint! It's time for your archery lesson!" A three year old boy came running into the garden towards his father with a grin plastered across his chubby face, "Now son, what did I say about running around the archery equipment?" 
"Sorry dad!" The little boy giggled sending a warm feeling through the fathers body. He loved making Clint smile especially when it came to archery, he had been teaching his son since he was able to walk and never missed a days training. This weekend Clint was entering a national competition and his dad was sure that he would win but if didn't he wouldn't mind he still loved his son more than anything.
The whole family were sat in the car on their way to Manchester where the competition would be held, Clint was sat in the back buzzing with excitement. The radio was on full blast but as they came round the corner Clint's father saw a humongous truck coming down the wrong side of the road and straight towards them! He slammed on the brakes but it was too late the last sound he heard was his wife and son, the loves of his life, screaming before they collided with the truck.
Clint opened his eyes and screamed, he was face to face with his mother, blood streaming down her face and eyes wide open and emotionless, he was too young then to know but he was staring at his dead mother. He tried to free himself but found that he's was trapped underneath something, he could smell blood and smoke all around him and could see fire behind his mother but he couldn't see his father. "Dad!?" he called desperately; he called and called and called until his lungs burned too much from the smoke. He was beginning to lose conscious and was fighting to stay awake but finally, it was too much and he fell into blackness...
Clint stood there remembering the emotion he felt when he woke up it that hospital bed and asked for his parents only to be told that they were dead and weren't coming back. At first he hadn't believed it but slowly he had come to terms with his circumstances but only really understood what had happened that day when he got older.
Frozen to the spot, Clint stared at the ma. in front of him trying to figure out what in the world was going on? Then he heard the shriek one more time and his father disappeared...

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