Chapter 13

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"Don't worry I lost him," a shadowed figure reassured.
"Good but if someone comes that close to finding more again then everything goes to hell. Especially for you." Another figure said with a voice so deep that they had to whisper in order to stay quiet. They leaned towards the smaller figure who had spoken first and added one last thing, "Got it?" The smaller figure nodded before hurriedly scampering back into the woods, the other figure - with the menacing deep voice - stayed still for a few seconds and then disappeared into the deeper shadows of the forest.


Everyone was sat in the first room the Avengers ever came together in, waiting for the final member. Thor. After ten minutes of silence it was finally broken by the door exploding open and the one and only Thor collapsing through it. He was covered in dirt and small twigs were entangled in his hair.
"What the hell happened to you? You looked like you've been dragged through a bush!" Tony exclaimed, stating the obvious,
"I basically have!" Thor roared making everyone jump in fright. He seemed to take a few deep breaths and calm himself down before going to tell the whole story...

After the story was told everybody just looked at Thor as if was mad but that soon stopped when his face started to turn red and his fist clenched out of anger. "My brother has always tried to take me down as he sees me as the favourite. Partnered with this is his mischievous and sometimes wicked ways."
"We know," everyone chorused, chuckling slightly.
"Well we must be wary, Loki knows no limits when getting what he wants."
"Dude, we know," Tony sassed as he rocked backwards on his chair, he spotted Natasha and Clint whispering and giggling at him so he set his chair firmly back on the gorund which seemed to dissapoint them both.

An explosion boomed through the building, chairs shook and frames fell to the ground. Everybody stood up but didn't know what to do, the door burst open and Fury came charging,
"Everyone! Go stand in the pods behind you with your nane above ~ " no one moved out of fear, "Now!" His voice seemed louder than the explosion and kick started the group into action. Each of them found their allocated pods and stepped in soon to reemerge clothed in suits of different styles.

Tony wore his suit that he had created previously but now he was actually permitted to use it. Steve was in a navy blue body suit with white and red stripes around his torso, his shield was attached to his back and he wore a helmet of the same blue. Clint was wearing a black ensemble with some marron peices of fabric, he had a long leather coat and matching trousers with his bow grasped tightly in his hand paired with his quiver on his back. Natasha was in a tight black leather body suit with bracelets of bullets on each arm and two guns on her waist, in her hands were two electrified batons. Thor was clad in a silver metal looking suit with chain mail like material on his arms and legs, he held Mjolnir and his red cape hung down from his shoulders. Finally Bruce was wearing what easily looked the least impressive of the lot being shirtless with blue jeans but what you couldn't tell by looking at then was that these jeans were capable of stretching to fit The Hulk but also shrinking back down to fit Bruce .
"Come on I look stupid!" Bruce complained,
"You'll thank me later," was all that Fury said before rushing then out into the halls.

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