Chapter 4

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Clint and Natasha took their places again after visiting the nurse. Luckily, they had got back in time to hear the end of Nick Fury's speech (which was actually great as most people started dozing off halfway through), they both stood apart from each other but Natasha stayed close enough that if a trouble did occur she would be able to step in and take control of the situation. She didn't know why but she felt the need to take him under her wing, at least for now anyway.

"After much thought," Nick's voice boomed through the speakers all around, "A decision has been made... The new headmaster will be..." He always did this sort of thing where he would just pause for no apparent reason and claims it creates suspense, "...Odin!" Everyone looked over at Thor who was standing there with a smug look plastered on his face, now that he had something new to brag about and use against people. Natasha had been one of the many looking over at Thor but had been distracted by Tony Stark looking at her. Anyone who hadn't been trained to spot little things like this would have completely skipped over this occurrence but to Natasha it was so obvious that he might as well have stuck a sign on his head saying that he had been looking at her. Did he like her or was he just being his normal, player self? No one knew this but Natasha was the only girl in the whole school who had caught the attention of Tony Stark but not his player self the real him. Unfortunately for him though, the only feelings that Natasha possesed for him were annoyance and hate, the only reason she hung out with hi was because he was one of the 'cool kids' and she always hung around on the edge of their group for some reason. but it was no problem for Tony as he got to see her whenever she did. However, he did not like the fact that Natasha seemed to be sticking up for Clint Barton and taking him under his wing, he could even see her now, checking out him but he also knew that she had just caught him staring at her but hopefully she had just thought that it was him being a player.

Again, Nick's voice boomed out of the speakers, "Before you go, there is one more announcement to be made," they all fell silent it was very rare for there to be an announcement and it was putting everyone on edge right now since the last announcement made was the news of Charles Xavier's death, "There is a new group being formed for the non-mutants and semi-mutants called... The Avengers! There are six places and each of them will be hand picked, you may refuse this offer but once you do you can not rejoin the team. Thank-you that is all return to your classes."

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