Chapter 12

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It was four in the evening and everyone had either gone home or back to their dorms to change out of the school uniforms. Thor, personally, didn't mind the uniform but everyone else hated the tight navy blue blazers with the scratchy white shirts and the red ties but most peoples' were a more pinkish colour since they had faded over time or had been washed incorrectly. He was strolling down the long dark corridor where many dorms were and his black trainers sank a little into the burgundy carpet when he saw a flash of green dart around the corner. Instantly he recognised the green flash as his adopted brother, Loki, usually Loki wasn't a problem just a really annoying Thor wannabe but now that he was sneaking around and, knowing what he was capable of, this worried Thor so he decided to follow him and find out what was going on.

He broke into a sprint and began to follow his rascal of a brother and soon found himself running across the playground with his red t-shirt pushing against him as he ran against the wind. Ahead of him he saw Loki disappear into some trees and undergrowth, not wanting to lose him, Thor ran into the trees as well but soon began to regret it. Thorns and twigs grabbed at his black jeans and branches tangled themselves into his long blonde hair that was blowing behind him. Pressing on Thor forced himself not to look down and check himself in case he lost sight of his brother; however, he had no other choice than to look down when his foot lodged itself under a root and sent him flying face first into the dirt. As quickly as possible he stood up and spun around in search for the flash of green that would indicate where his brother had gone but nothing came; no flash of green, no sinister laugh and no footsteps running through the woods.

"Dammit," he cursed, "I'll never find him now and there is no way in hell that'll he'll tell me himself!" He kicked the ground and sent dirt flying all around, then - and only then – did he realise that he had no way of knowing where he was and the ground was too hard to leave footprints. "Shit! I hope that we just ran in a straight line," and so he began to walk back the way he had come.

After about an hour of trekking through the woods, there was still no sign of the trees ending, if anything they were getting denser. After each step Thor told himself to keep going and find the end to these woods and then he could find his way home from there. At this point he was really regretting two things. Firstly, making the decision to follow Loki and secondly, the fact that he hadn't put his phone in his pocket before leaving his dorm, however, there probably wasn't any signal out here anyway. What in the world had Loki been doing out here? Thor pondered but now he was starting to question whether it was actually Loki since he had only seen the colour green, who knows what it could have been? If it hadn't been Loki, what was it then? Again no answer came to mind when this question popped into his head, but he still kept walking through the trees that seemed to be growing ever darker with each step.


So sorry that i haven't updated in ages but here you go! Again so sorry that it is so short!

:-P Peace out


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