Chapter 3

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Every student was stood in a massive mob in front of the school awaiting the signal to take their seats, Natasha flocked towards the edge of a large group of students, elbowing her way through the dense crowd she caught sight of a boy stood in the middle of another group (not quite as big as the other she was heading to). At first she just expected it to be Steve and decided to ignore it, a lot of the time Natasha did feel sorry for the kid and always felt the need to stop the attacks, after all he was just an innocent kid like the rest of us but he wasn’t exactly from this time. Steve had been the famous Captain America and his cells were enhanced due to a successful experiment with a super soldier serum but during the war against Hydra he had to sink an enemy plane with him in it. Luckily, he froze and was still alive when they discovered him 70 years later, he’s catching up with what has happened but time moves so quickly he is often left lost and alone. People just don’t understand that he went through so much and that it wasn’t just all happy days when he woke up, he woke to discover everyone he loved was gone or incredibly old and on the verge of dying. The only reason that Natasha didn’t help Steve was the fact that she couldn’t afford for people to bully her as, not many people know, but she is actually quite a fragile person.

Eventually, curiosity took over and she went to see what was happen. A gasp escaped her mouth as she pushed through the people and found a brown haired boy lying bloody on the ground whilst other boys stood around him holding something that looked like a bow and arrow statue, she guessed it was important to him as he was holding back tears as they threatened to smash it to pieces. “Clint!” He turned around just as surprised as she was but her body knew what it was doing. Her feet carried a=her small figure forward ignoring all the stares, expertly she flick the boys wrist sending the statue high into the air and then she brought her fist crashing into his face. He doubled over but went straight into her foot and was sent flying backwards, next she held her hand out and the statue dropped into her hand. Turning around, Natasha helped Clint to his feet and returned the statue to him, all the while his faced had a shocked look on it, Natasha didn’t know whether it was because of her fighting skills or the fact that she had just stuck up for one of the quietest kids in the school, most probably the latter. “Let’s get you to the nurse’s office,” I said but he just stayed silent so I guided him through the now bigger crowd and headed towards the nurses office.

“Natasha wait” Clint turned to her “Why did you do that?”

“Do what?”

“You know what I mean,” she didn’t know why but every time he spoke to her she got this warm feeling in the pit of her stomach.

“I honestly don’t know why, it just kind of happened and now here we are,” She replied honestly, Clint just started walking again.

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