Chapter 6

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Clint was still stood there with his legs like jelly when a bulky boy barged into him knocking him off his feet. He looked up and braced himself for the impact of a fist coming into contact with his jaw but to his surprise when he opened his eyes he came face to face with none other than the 'king' of the school, Thor, with his hand out-stretched ready to help him to his feet. Clint just sat there debating whether Thor would just let go of his hand and let him fall back down and laugh at him with all his mates and Clint would be teased for the rest of his life.

"Are you just going to stay sat there gawping or take my hand and get up?" Thor asked, genuinely smiling. Clint took the offer and grab hold of his hand, making sure that he had a tight grip in case Thor did decide to let go. "I'll tell you a secret Clint," yet another surprise he knew Clint's name "I honestly quite like you and if you want you can hang around with my group I'm sure they'll like you too," and with that Thor stalked off to regroup with his friends leaving Clint stood there, again, gawping at what had just happened. He had been invited to be a 'cool kid'! Everyone at this school knew that this was a major event and no one ever turned it down but Clint, unlike most, was going to have to think about this. It would mean that he wouldn't get beat up anymore but it also meant he lose being alone, which he loved, and he would also struggle to get away to practice archery daily. Clint was one of the very few that wanted to keep their powers/skills to themselves and would only tell the teachers when absolutely necessary. He didn't know why but he guessed it was because it was one of the last things of his father that he had and wanted to keep it for himself.

As he entered the room where he would be taking his English lesson he saw that the last seat available was next to Natasha, he sat down and they both exchanged small smiles and he took out his equipment and got ready to listen to their teacher for a whole hour but something distracted him, Natasha was sat very close to him but there was no reason for her to do so, it wasn't like she was being squashed into him by the person sat next to her because there was no one sat next to her. After a while of pondering this he started to relax and looked straight ahead listening to the lecture but he caught Natasha smiling at him but when he looked at her she turned away. Again, he turned back to the front and sat back in his seat, jotting down the odd note when caught Natasha smiling again, this time he turned around quick enough to catch her eye and stop her turning away, she just sat there staring into his eyes and she lost herself in his big brown eyes. They kept staring at each other and writing notes until the end of lesson and when the bell went she slipped a note into his pocket and stood up and planted a quick kiss on his cheek leaving him, for the third time that day, gawping and trying to make sense of what was happening.

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