Chapter 7

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The bell had just rung sounding the end of first period and Tony had been about to leave when he caught sight of Natasha and this other boy standing up together. He thought nothing of it as the seat next to her had been the last one available when the boy had entered the room but as he was turning back around he caught sight of her slipping a note into his pocket and giving him a peck on the cheek! Fire sparked in his eyes as he watched the one girl he actually liked being snatched away from him by a weasel who kept his powers/skills hidden from everyone and never spoke. The guy who always did his homework and did the right thing, obeying the rules and all that, never having any fun and sneaking off everyday to god knows where! What could he have done to Nat that would make her so blind as to choose him over Tony? Tony had to get his revenge and win the heart of his precious Natasha and he knew the perfect way to do it. Earlier he had heard Thor offering him a place in their group, again he thought that Clint must have the power of hypnosis and had hypnotised Thor into making this decision proving that he was just a good-for-nothing nerd desperate to have friends and not have everyone tease him. This theory had just been proven with his little stunt with Natasha.
Tony's plan to destroy the boy, who's name had slipped past Tony. What was it? Clive? No, Clent? No, it was something like that though quite a weird name really, Clint? Yes, that's it! Clint! So Tony's plan to destroy Clint was to wait until he joined the group, Let him think that they were good friends, then he would learn all his secrets and turn on him when Clint most needed him, spread his secrets around the whole school but change them slightly so that everyone thought he was some sort of evil geek that was just trying to take Thor's place, much like Loki come to think of it.
Stalking out of the room, Tony headed to his next class - biology - and to his relief found that Clint wasn't in this room but neither was Natasha. He hoped that he wasn't playing his mind tricks on her innocent head again. He went and sat down in a random seat as he was the first one there, and wait for the others to arrive and take their places however the person who sat next to him was a boy who he had never seen before, he wore a jacket and cloves (which was strange as it was the middle of summer) but one of his arms seemed to jerk like it was robotic but only slightly so it made you question your eyes, his long dark hair covered his face as he sat down. He was looking around the room like he didn't know anyone. When Steve entered the room smiling, probably because he thought he would find this class incredibly easy, lucky him, "NERD!" I shouted as he walked in front of me, he looked slightly hurt but the main thing that surprised me was the look that wiped the smile completely of his face as he saw the boy sat next to me. It was a looked of utter misery and longing and you could tell he was holding back tears.

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