A Little Pick Me Up

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"Jasmine Spencer!" A lady came into the room. I've been sitting in this waiting room rethinking my presence here. I stood up and she smiled holding the door for me. I walked through and she turned at the first door. We were meeted by a tall white man. "Hi, Jacob Denman." he said in a thick strong voice. He had blond short hair and green eyes. He also had on a nice grey suit. He held his hand out. "Jasmine... Spencer. " I said quietly and shook his hand. He looked me up and down. "Okay you two. I will leave for 15 minutes and be back with the paperwork. " The lady smiled. She left closing the door. "So-" "you will not call me your sugar daddy. " He cut me off and said coldly. i stayed quiet token back. "Wow. You look like you shop at a flea market. Today we will go shopping and get your rat nest hair done. " He begun critiquing me. Then he grabbed my face. "You're incredibly gorgeous though. " He said examining my face moving it around. He let go and I looked away. "Turn for me." he said simply. I did awkwardly. "Nice, round bum, good. " He said as if he was taking mental notes. "When do you think we will start being inti-" "alright I got the papers!" The lady was back. "I'm Debra by the way. You can call me for anything. " She told me sitting at her desk. We sat in front of her desk. "Okay, this is not prostitution. You are gonna be with him because you want to. " She told me serious. I nodded. "...And you will help her because you want to. " She told Jacob. He just stared. " If at any point either one of you want to end this contract.... call me and we will. " She explained and passed out a paper and pens.

"Come here. " He told me as we got outside. "I have a name. " I say tired. Maybe this was a mistake. "Jasmine. " He said irritated. I walked to him and he held my face but this time softer. He stared into my eyes as if he was reading something. "How tall are you?" He asked still holding my face. "5"6. " I lightly say. "A little short..." he murmured. "How tall are you?" I asked awkward. When is he going to let go of my face! "Please do not ask questions. I'm 6"3. " He said and leaned down kissing me. I was too stunned to react and he slowly moved away dropping his hands. "Soft plump lips. " He said still in this mental voice, as if I wasn't there! "Hey! " I gently said. "Where's your car?" He ignored me. "I took the bus. " I shook my head. "Then come to my car. I can barely keep looking at you looking like that. " He said disgusted. "Can you not ta-" "lets go. " He told me serious.

We parked on the most expensive shopping strip in L.A.

We came out and he held like 8 bags. He spent thousands of dollars in only 2 hours of shopping. He held them all. Last stop was a beauty shop. "This isn't going to work!" I stopped him at the door by grabbing his arm. He looked down at me with a dark look. "Excuse me?" He asked bitter. "My hair is kinky and this isn't a shop for me. " I told him just as bitter. His eyebrow flicked up. He smiled evilly as if seeing me angry was turning him on. "There's a black lady in there." He told me like a smart ass. I looked and there was. I narrowed my eyes. "Okay. " I sighed.

I loved my hair! The lady washed, flat ironed, and curled it . "Put this on. " He passed me a bag. The black lady clapped. "How cute!" She chimed. "There's a bathroom in the back. " She told me gently.

The dress was a beautiful white one. It was tight on the top but flowered out at the waist area and made me look sexy. The only part that made me gasp was the heels. They were like 5 inches and white.

"Wow!" Everyone in the shop said. I smiled. i caught Jacob's eyes and seam to be in a deep thoughts. "Okay thank you. " He told the ladies. He grabbed my wrist and pulled me. the heels felt foreign. We got back to the car. "What type of food do you like?" He asked. "Uhm..." I tried to think. "Okay. " He simply said and begun driving.

We were at a fancy restaurant. As soon as we walked in everyone looked at us. "Table for two. " The waiter said and cocked his head for us to follow. We followed him to a nice table. I sat down and he sat in front of me. "Here is the menu. I will be back ". The waiter smiled. He left and it was just me and Jacob. "I'm going bro order for you. " He told me simply. I stared at him but he kept gazing over the menu. Then he flagged over the waiter. "What can I get you two?" He asked. "For the lady, she will have the Caesar salad for the appetizer and the Mediterranean soup for the main. I will have clams for my appetizer and the house stake for my main. We will decide later what we want for the dessert. " He simply said. "Okay got it! Your wine will be brought to your table in a few also Mr. Denman. " The waiter said. Jacob nodded and the waiter left. "I'm not old enough to drink. " I gently told him. "This is dinner. " He told me with a scuff as if I was stupid. Then a woman came over. "Here is your wine Mr. Denman. " She said and poured us both a glass and put the wine in a ice bucket on our table at the edge. "Thank you. " He said. She left and he took a sip. "As I was asking at the agency. How long do you think it would take for us to to be intimate?" He asked with a serious straight face. Wow! "I don't know. " I say awkward and scared. I didn't know he would ask me so soon. "Like tonight? Tomorrow? Next week?" He asked getting irritated again. "Whenever I'm comfortable." I gently said. "So should I hold my money then?" He asked like a asshole but he has a right. But I need the money desperately soon. "I mean it will happen." I lightly say. he cracked a sick smile and chuckled. I looked down at my wine. "How old are you?" He asked. "I'm 19. " I said not looking up. "Wow. Just a baby. " He said and I could hear this weird tone in his voice. I looked up at him. He downed his wine and grabbed the bottle.

"Do you want dessert?" He asked. I shook my head no because I was full and wanted to get out his presence. We stood up and he walked around to me. "So are we doing this tonight?" He asked. I nodded and my stomach felt queasy.

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