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"How far along are you? " Beverly asked me at dinner. "11 weeks ma'am. " I smiled. "Wow very early. How did Jacob react?" She asked curious. "He was very happy. " I lightly said. "Do you want to have it?" Rick asked. "I honestly don't know. " I shook my head. "Dear. Stop. " Beverly told him serious. "No its fine. I'm thankful you guys allow me to be here. " I smiled lightly.

Later that night we were in the living room. Gregory was set to be live in 3 minutes! "This super crazy. " Beverly said hugging a pillow. Then Gregory's phone rung. I pulled it out and it got up. I walked into the dining room. "Hello?" I asked. "Hey Jasmine it's Gregory." He said and i let a deep breath out. "I'm so fucking scared it's crazy. I'm shaking. " He said and i could hear the nervousness in his tone. "You're going the right thing. " I whispered. "Thank you. " He said sincere. ".....If you come back.. who knows what will happen between us. " I say lightly. "Okay. Some motivation. " He said calmer and chuckled. ".....I'm getting an abortion." I told him suddenly. "You're on in 1 minute!" I heard a lady in the background. "What? Wait...." Gregory told me. "I am. I can't have his baby. " I told him quietly. "Uhmm. I will talk to you after this. I'm coming back to you. " He told me urgent. "Okay. Bye. " I told him simply. "Bye. " He said and i hung up walking back into the living room. I sat at the lazy boy and then the news came on.

"So the state was in on this?" The lady asked after Gregory explained the whole thing. It was crazy. "Yes. He paid the department of justice and the families to all go with lies and stay quiet. " He explained. "Wow. So what does this mean?" The lady asked. "That the justice system is shit. " Gregory simply said. "So how old are were you when this begun and stopped?" She asked. "I was 6 the first time and i quit going with my aunt to help him when i was 12." He said looking away. "Awe. I hate he's going through this. " Beverly sighed. "I just want really justice and for him to be locked away. He killed children!" Gregory suddenly grew angry. "My niece and nephew. " He added quietly. "Yea. That was shocking." The lady lightly said. "Yea. He took away the most precious thing a man could have. His children. " Gregory added and i could see tears forming. "Okay we are gonna be back in a few moments. " the lady said and commercials came on. The phone rung again. "Excuse me. " I told Rick and Beverly. They nodded and i went back into the dining room. "Hello?" I asked. "Hey. " it was Gregory. He sounded tense. "You're doing great. " I told him serious. "Thanks girl." He sighed. "When will you be done?" I asked lightly. "Maybe in 2 hours. I should be back at the house in 3. " He answered. "Alright I got to go." He said simply. "Alright you're doing great!" I told him smiling.

After the interview I was in the guest bedroom by myself just laying in the dark. Then I heard the door open. "Jasmine?" It was Gregory. "Yea I'm in bed. " I said and sat up. I saw the door close and heard him walking. Then i felt a hand on my breast. "What is this?" He asked. "That's my book Gregory!" I laughed. "Oh shit sorry!" He moved his hand. He got in next to me and i scooted over to make room. He got under the covers and put a arm around me. "What's up?" He asked and I'm glad it was pitch black so he couldn't see my face. "I was just waiting for you. " I told him and felt my cheeks heat up. "Well I'm here now. " He said sweetly. Then i felt something soft and warm on my neck. Then I heard kissing sounds. He was kissing my neck. "This isn't a good look. " I told him honestly and closed my eyes. "Why were both sexy as fuck. " He joked and was now making out with my neck. I grabbed the bed and giggled. "I'm talking about if..........
Anyone saw us..... doing this. " I told him arching my back. "Doing what? Kissing you and stuff?" He asked with a taunt and i felt his hand under the cover on my thigh. "Yea!" I smiled turning away so my back was to him. "Well nobody is here but my parents and they're in a completely different part if the house. " He laughed coming behind me cuddling me. I felt... safe. Then i reached over and turned the lamp on. I turned and looked at him. He looked exhausted. He smiled at me and i smiled back. "You look really pretty. " He told me sweetly. "Thanks." I told him and turned the lamp back off. "Goodnight. " I told him and hugged him. This surprised him but he hugged me back. "Goodnight. " He kissed me and cuddled me.

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