Hot and Steamy

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"Hello. " I told him as we met in the parking lot of another nice restaurant. He checked me out without a word. "Okay let's go. " He suggested.

After we had sex, this time Jacob didn't let me get up. He stayed on top of me and begun kissing me. "Jacob...." I lightly said. "What?" He asked going to my neck. "Can I leave?" I asked lightly pressing on his chest. He got up and I saw a strange look flash across his eyes. It went away just as fast as it came. The look caught me off guard. "Yea. The money will be transferred in the morning again. " He got up and put his pants on like normal. i sat up and took a deep breath. "I planned a trip for us. " He suddenly said. "To where?" I asked excited and pulled my dress on. I stood up waiting. "Barbados. " He shrugged. "Oh my god! Really?" I asked surprised. "Yes." He nodded. I ran to him and hugged him on impulse. He was tense but loosened up. "Okay, get off me. " He simply said. "Did you know I was part Barbadian?" I asked ignoring his comment. He shrugged not saying anything. "Well I am! Can we visit some of my family members? Please!" I asked him. "We'll see. " He said with a smirk. "Thank you again. " I hugged him quickly. "Good night. " He told me irritated. "Okay I'm leaving! When do we leave?" I asked. "Tomorrow at 6am. Be here packed at 4. " He informed. "okay!" I called leaving.

I made it home and it was 8pm. I went straight to packing. He never told me how long we were gonna be there! I got my phone and saw a missed call. It was a weird number. I called it and it didn't ring. "Hello?" A man asked. I instantly knew who it was. "Daddy?" I asked. "Jasmine. How are you?" He asked. "Good daddy! I'm really finding myself out here. " I lied. I'm just as confused who I am. "I hear. When will you be going back to college?" He suddenly asked. "I don't know. I'm going to Barbados daddy. " I changed the subject. "For why?" He asked defensive. "So I can see that other side. I want to learn about moms past." I lightly said. I heard my dad softly crying. "I'm sorry I brought her up dad. I'm just doing what I have to. " I gently said.

"Hi. " I told Jacob as I reached his house about 10 till 4. "Give me your bags. " He said. He looked cute with his messy hair and pajamas. He looks.... normal. As weird as that sounds. I handed him my suitcase and carry on. he took it to his car and put it in the trunk. He walked back to me and ran his hands through my hair. I smiled at him. He was showing me some sort of affection. "Why the hell are you smiling like that?" He asked confused. I put my hand over his and he froze. "Nothing. " I shrugged. "Okay let's go inside. " He said awkward and a bit freaked out. I felt satisfied.

I followed Jacob down the hall to his room. He opened the door and I walked in behind him. "Uhm... I didn't invite you in here. " He suddenly said. "Your room is so nice!" I say looking around. His bed looked like two king sized beds. His room was white with window walls showing the sun peaking up to the dark blue skies. i sat on his bed and stared up at Jacob. "You know this house is huge and you don't have to be in here. " He told me with a frown. "But you're the only person here. " I said. He walked to his closet and it looked huge. He disappeared inside. I got up and went to the closet and I was correct. It was a huge walk in. Suits everywhere! "Wow. " I say walking in. He was looking at a long rack of white button ups. "Can you please give me a moment. " He said annoyed. "No. " I said jokingly. I smiled walking over to him. All the white shirts looked the same. I stood on my tippy toes leaning forward kissing him. He kissed me back surprisingly. Our lips moved together and he held my lower back. He kissed me like we were having sex. I held his face and I could feel his stubble. We slowly moved back to catch our breath and he kissed me again this time picking my up. I wrapped my legs around him he held under my thighs kissing me passionately. Then he slowly let me down. "Okay. I'm gonna explore!" I ran off not wanting to see his reaction. I ran down the hall and started down the steps. Once I got to the bottom, I had to catch my breath. I slowly walked to the living room and the tv was huge. I fell down on his couch catching my breath.

I didn't realize I fell asleep until I was woken up. "Hey we're leaving in 20 minutes. " Jacob gently said shaking me. "Ooookay!" I said yawning. He walked off and I stretched. I stood up and went to the room he went to and it led to a beautiful kitchen. He opened the fridge. "You hungry?" He asked. "Yea. " I gently said. "Sit at the island and I will get you something. " He simply said.

We left out a hour later after he made eggs. "Thank you again. " I told him as we reached the airport. "Remember, we're on a contract. " He lightly said. "Don't worry, I know. " I say. He grabbed my bag and his. "I can take my own luggage. " I told him. "No." He told me simply. "Jacob come on now stop. " I reached for my luggage. "I got it. " He pulled it from my reach. I wrapped my arms around him laughing. He kept walking with me clinging onto him.

"Stay here. I'm grabbing our tickets. " He said as reached our terminal. "Okay." I say sitting. He put the luggage around me.

45 minutes later we were boarding the nice plan. He got us first class seats. I sat by the window and he sat next to me. "Thank you so much Jacob. " I smiled laying my head on his shoulder. He looked down on me and I smiled. I saw the corners of his mouth twitch before he looked away.

I fell asleep the whole ride and woke up right when we were landing. "You sleep a lot. " Jacob told me. " I've been tired. Are we in Barbados?" I asked excited. "Yup. " He said grabbing our luggage. I grabbed mine and his carry on. We walked off the plane and the airport was nice. a guy had a sign saying ' Jacob Denman.' We walked over and the second guy grabbed our bags. "Welcome to Barbados!" The guy with the sign said. I smiled. "Beautiful woman eh!" He called. I blushed. "Let's go people!" he called excited. We followed and i was excited.

"Here's where you two lovely people will be staying!" He said pulling into a nice little condo. We got out and i loved the fresh air. "Thank you guys. " Jacob said genuine. He gave them tips and they handed us our luggage. "Thank you too! Welcome to Barbados!" The called.

We walked in and it was amazing. "Wow!" I called. I would've never expected this. "Thank you Jacob. " I hugged him. He just stood there like I expected. I grabbed his hands and pulled him to our bed pushing him down on it. I straddled him and kissed him. I felt him unzip my dress in the back. I pulled his shirt off tracing his abs. They were rock hard. That wasn't the only.... thing....

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