Jail Bait

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"Hi!" I hugged Jacob at this luxury prison. He had on dressed up clothes and looked calm. "Hey love. " He said and kissed my cheek. "Is this really a prison?" I asked confused. "Yea for the wealthy. " He shrugged. "Come. Let's sit by the window. " He gently said. I followed him to a small table and we sat across from each other. "How are you?" I asked him lightly. "Better. " He smiled nodding. "Good. I have Uhm news. " I told him smiling. "What's that hun?" He asked leaning forward. "I'm pregnant. " I whispered. "What?" He asked surprised. "I know. I'm only a month but doctor confirmed it. " I nodded. He bit his lower lip and stretched his hand out holding my arm stroking it "Wow I'm super happy right now!" He said with a huge grin. "I'm glad. I've been scared. " I honestly said. "Why are you scared?" He asked concerned. "You're not with me and the media is like staking out at your house and i don't want them to follow me to mine. " I mumbled. "I'm sorry. " he honestly said. "I'm will make sure you are kept safe and the baby. " He said serious. "Thank you. " I nodded. "Don't be scared. " he purred. He stood up and held his hand out. There were really no police around. I took his hand and stood up. He pulled me out into the hall and i saw the first policeman inside the building. He nodded at us and Jacob pulled me into a large room. He closed the door behind me. "There's no cameras. " He whispered pulling the sleeves of my shirt down. "No..." I told him. "No?" He asked lightly. "I don't feel comfortable doing that with you. " I told him crossing my arms. "Okay. I understand. Wanna play the xbox?" He asked smiling. "Sure love. " I smiled back.

Afterwards when i was walking to my car paparazzi came up. "Jasmine!" The begun yelling. My heart froze and seriously broke. "Hey please move. " I told them stopping and they were crowding around. "What's the real reason Jacob is in there?" They asked. "Guys stop. " I asked politely again. They were crowding in. I begun screaming feeling engulfed. "Hey hey!" I heard voices and the crowd seamed to be breaking up. When there was a opening I ran through crying. I got to the car and saw police officers yelling at the paparazzis. I cried at the steering wheel looking around. I sighed and felt a cramp. I pulled my phone out scared. "Doctor I'm cramping! I was just in a really stressful, scary altercation and I'm cramping!" I say scared. "Okay how far are you from my office?" He asked quickly. "Im at Jacobs-" "say no more I'm coming to get you. Lock yourself in and just calm down. " He told me honestly.

About 30 minutes later i seen doctor get out of a cab. His eyes met mine and he walked over. He knocked on my door and i opened it. "Get in the passenger side. We're going to my office. " He lightly said. He helped me out and helped me around to the side. "Are you still cramping?" He asked. "They're light. " I say scared.

"Okay this is normal if you're not bleeding. You're uterus is growing for the baby and it's not a miscarriage. " Doctor told me and i smiled. "Thank you. " I told him relieved.

It was a clear ride back to Jacobs house and i was tired. I was glad the baby was fine.

1 month later Jacob was out. "Jacob!" I giggled hugging him. "Hey baby. " He smiled. "Hi peanut!" He coed holding my nonexistent tummy. "Try to stick it out. " He chuckled. I bent my back and he laughed. "I'm only 10 weeks. " I giggled. "I know but the fact this is happening is great. " He hugged me. "I have ultrasounds!" I smiled. "Show me. " he grinned.

"Wow so my little peanut will be here early next year?This is amazing. " He said and hugged me. He seamed calm. "Yup he's due January. " I smiled. "Wow a little over 6 months. " He told me and kissed me. I got up and sat on his lap. He rubbed my back and i suddenly got the urge to strangle him. "You okay?" He asked. I got up and grabbed my bag. "I'm gonna go home for a bit. " I shrugged. "What? It's safer here with me. " he protested. "Believe me. It's not. " I shook my head walking out. "Jasmine, is this the pregnancy or are you serious?" He called after me I walked down the steps and out the door. "I will call you later. " I called and pulled my keys out. There's nobody here thank god.

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