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A couple days later we were packed and ready to go. "Ready cutie?" Gregory asked as we stood by the car. "Yea. " I smiled. He pulled me close. "You excited to be in wood cabin?" He asked. "Yes!" I say even more excited. "How far away is it?" I asked him. "8 hours. " He said shrugging. "Are we driving there?" I asked shocked. "We're driving to Marcus' which is about a 2 hour drive and we will have a driver to the retreat. " He said kissing me me. I held his face leaning back a bit. "Okay get your ass in the car. " He laughed.

We arrived at another condo looking place. A guy who looked Italian came out. We got out the car and Gregory went to him. "Hey man!" The Italian guy said in a surfer voice. "Hey bro. This is my girlfriend. "Gregory said holding his hand out for me. I took it and he pulled me to his side. "This is my girlfriend Jasmine." He said smiling at me. "Marcus. " the guy said holding his hand out. I shook it and smiled. "Hey!!"A Burnette came out. She hugged Marcus. "Hey Gregory. " She waved. "Hi I'm Zoe." She told me and hugged me. "Jasmine. " I told her smiling. Then another couple came put with their bags. "Is this your beautiful girlfriend Greg?" The girl walking called. She had blond hair and was extremely skinny. The guy was black. "Hi I'm Jessica. " She said waving. "Jasmine. " I smiled. "Okay Gregory! I'm Kevin. " the black guy said. "Hello. " I waved. "Alright ready people? The bus is gonna be here in 5 minutes" Marcus said walking a car. "So how old are you?" Zoe asked pulling me aside. " "I'm 19. " I told her gently. "Aw you're the baby of the group!" Jessica said joining us. "So are you and Greg official?" Jessica asked. "Yes we are. " I answered. Politely. "Okay ladies I need Jasmine. " Gregory came to us and held my shoulders. "Okay but she's ours at the resort. " Zoe said laughing. I smiled and he took me to the side by his car. "Can I call you Greg?" I joked. "Uh no. You can call me daddy cakes. " He joked leaned down and kissing me. "Okay daddy cakes. " I smiled wrapping my arms around him. "So do you like the group so far?" He asked. "Yea the girls are funny. " I told him nodding. "Alright." He smiled and that's when a nice van drove up. Greyson grabbed mine and his bags. "I can hold something. " I told him. "That's fine i got it." He said closing the car door. I smiled. We walked to the bus and he put the stuff in the underneath cargo holder. Zoe and Marcus were getting in. Greyson held my hand and we got on the bus. We sat in the back across from Zoe and Marcus. There were 12 seats, 2 on each side. Gregory let me sit by the window. He put his arm around me pulling me close. I wrapped my arms around him closing my eyes. "My booboo." He cooed and i giggled. I looked up into his eyes and he smiled sweetly. "You look tired. " He told me.

Hours later i was woken up. We were at a rest stop. "Want anything baby girl?" He asked. "Can I have a Arizona tea and barbecue chips?" I asked him wiping my eyes. "Yes I will be right out with it." He said snd kissed my cheek. I watched him walk off and suddenly someone sat by me. I looked over and it was Marcus. "Hey." He said looking out the window. "Uhm hi?" I said confused. "I just wanted to tell you that you're very attractive. " He begun. My eyes got big. "...and you look really familiar." He said looking at me strongly. Then both our mouths open. He is my ex's bestfriend. "Wow." He said. "does Greyson know him?" I asked horrified. "No, not all..." Marcus said and shrugged. "Oh god. " I sighed holding my face. "Don't worry. I'm not telling." He said standing up. "Yea." I sighed. Marcus sat back into his seat. "How's he been?" I finally asked. "He's been good. He's in professional football now." He said. "That's good.... His dreams came true. " I said softly. "Yea we all knew they would." Marcus added and i smiled lightly. Then everyone was walking out coming toward the bus. "Please don't bring it up around Gregory. He has no reason to know or worry." I say simply. "As long as-" "Hey party peeps!" Jessica interrupted Marcus coming in the bus. Gregory came in behind her and when he got to me he kissed me. He sat close to me and handed me the chips and tea. "Thank you." I told him.

We drove into the woods and i was getting excited. "We're almost there." Gregory whispered into my ear. I turned my head to face him and held his hand. "Thanks for inviting me." I whispered back. The woods looked beautiful. He leaned forward and kissed me passionately. I held his hand tighter. He went to my neck and i smiled. "I'm so tired. " I told him lightly. "Don't worry. We can both go to sleep once we get there. " he said and begun rubbing my waist. He kissed my jaw and the road for rocker. I wrapped my arms around him yawning. He pulled me close and also yawned.

About 30 minutes later we were there. This was a huge place! We all got out and i stretched. Gregory kissed my cheek and shook me lightly. I smiled and he did too. "Look at that sunset." He said pointing behind me I turned and it was gorgeous. It was yellow with purple in it and the sky looked orange. Gregory held me from behind and kissed my cheek. I smiled and turned to face him. His arms tightened around my waist pulling me extremely close. "Guys get inside. " Marcus joked pulling Gregory. I smiled lightly.

"Okay there's levels to this shit!" Zoe said ad we stood in the foyer. Gregory held my hand intertwining our fingers. "The first level has the master bedroom and bath. It also has a living room up there. The second floor, the one we are currently on has the main living room, main kitchen and bedroom #2 and bath. There's a bedroom patio on this one. Then the third floor downstairs has a full kitchen, small loving area and a nice bedroom and bath. " Zoe explained. "And we will draw for where each couple will be staying." Jessica added. She pulled out her phone and begun typing. Kevin grabbed Jessica's phone. "....and send!" He said. Marcus took the phone from Kevin. "Damn!" Marcus snapped. "Me and Zoe will have the first floor. Kevin and Jessica you have the second. Jasmine snd Gregory, you two have the third floor, damn." He said sighing. "Fuck yea!" Gregory said and begun pulling to me to where there were stairs. "I take it the 3rd floor is the best?" I asked him as we went down the steps. "Yup. We could practically isolate ourselves down here. " He laughed and opened the the door at the end of the steps. He let me go in first and it looked like the inside of another house. "Come here." Gregory picked me up. I wrapped my legs around his waist smiling. We walked through and the living area was gorgeous. Off to the side was a nice little kitchen. "That's the bathroom over there. " he pointed to a door by the kitchen. "....and this will be our room." He said opening a big door. Our room was extremely nice. A nice king sized bed with a big flatscreen. I bit my lower lip lightly as Gregory sat me on the bed. "Come lay with me. " I smiled. Looking up "Hey you two!" Kevin suddenly busted in. I jumped. "Hey bitch, get My bag, you know the deal. " Kevin laughed. "Yea yea yea." Marcus laughed. He walked off and Gregory closed the door locking it. "Who ever gets the 2nd level, they have to bring in the other's bags." He explained coming to me. "Wow you guys are all so funny. " I said and smiled. He pulled my shirt over my head slowly slowly and leaned down kissing me. I begun to slowly unbutton his shirt and he let the shirt fall. I laid back with my legs dangling off off the bed. He leaned down and unbuttoned my shorts. I stared stared at the ceiling feeling my shorts being pulled down. "Wow I can't believe you're letting letting me do this." He said and begun rubbing me over my underwear. I bit my lip and closed my eyes. I sat back up and giggled. "What?" He asked smiling. "Nothing. We should wait until we won't be interrupted." I told him standing up. "I'm gonna take a shower." I told him before he could answer. I unlocked the door as hand quickly ran out to the bathroom.

After my shower i walked out and a our laugage was in the living room. I had on my towel and went to my suitcase. "Look who looks fresh." I heard Gregory say. I looked over and he was in the kitchen. "Shutup!" I called unzipping my suitcase. Then i felt a pair of arms around me. "Stop. What if my towel falls." I giggled standing up. "Then that will be cool." He said laughing. I turned to face him and he was still in just his pants. "Listen. We are not having sex." I told him and smiled sweetly. "You mean intercourse. We're gonna have oral sex." He shrugged. And begun kissing my neck. "Who said so?" I asked. "Me. Your body. " He simply said. "Wow."a voice said. Me and Gregory looked over and there stood Jacob. "That's crazy. Get dress. " Jacob said serious. "Get dress. There's a window in the back." Gregory whispered. I walked to our room and closed the door. I pulled in random cloths and went to the low window. The ground was parallel to the bottom of it. Then the door swung open. "Miss me?" Jacob was suddenly in the room. He came to me and i tried to open the window. It was locked. "Let's go. Play time is over." He chuckled.

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