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After a week i came back to America and when i looked at my account.....There was $30,000,000! I almost died. I had to visit Jacob!

"What are you doing here?" Jacob asked at the door. I walked right in lost at words. "Really Jacob?" I asked him shaking my head. "Really what?" He asked sticking his hands into his sweats. He looked rough and sexy. "Why did you give me all that freaking money!" I told him. "It's not a lot. I figure it's a good bye memo and that we-" I cut him off by kissing him. I held his face and his hands held my waist. "You're so crazy. " I told him as he held my hand pulling me to the stairs. "Who showed up where?" He said sarcastic.

After we did a little something.... I followed him to his office. "Are you gonna gonna tell the public we broke up?" I asked him sitting in front of his desk. "Yea I am. I have to. This is the only way to diffuse this situation." He shrugged. "Do you think you can actually let me go?" I asked him. "I will. " He shrugged. "That's not a answer. I'm not gonna keep coming over and fucking you if you don't plan for us to get back together. " I threatened. "There's the door. " He shrugged. I stood up. "Thanks for the money. I don't need it but I'm out of your hair. that I swear. " I told him shaking my head and leaving.

Over the next couple weeks. I watched how Jacob tried to diffuse the situation but tonight he has a big interview and I know he's gonna use that to explain everything. I sat on my couch and turned the T.V on. "Jacob Denman is in the studio. Don't miss the explosive interview in 30 minutes. " the commercial said. I grabbed a pillow and cuddled it.

"Hi Mr. Denman. " the lady interviewer said. "Call me Jacob and hello. " He said sitting at the couch. "So over this month, you've been under scrutiny. " She begun. Jacob nodded. "So tell me about your ex fiance. " She asked him. He smiled. "She was perfect." He lightly said. "How'd you guys meet?" She asked. "Contrary to the rumors, I met Jasmine earlier thus year through a mutual source and it started off really innocent. That was the papers came out saying 'Jacobs black beauty. ' I found it funny and cute but I was actually attracted to her. We didn't actually start dating though until maybe a month or two later. Things with her grandma were bad and i was there for her. " He spoke and i was getting sick to my stomach. "What does a man in his late twenties do with a girl in her late teens?" The lady asked. I frowned. "She's 19, perfectly able to make decisions. I loved her and did everything to make her happy. It was just a regular relationship. " He said a bit rude. "Sources say you gave her alcohol and many times had to carry her out of restaurants?" The lady asked and my jaw dropped! "Absolutely not. She's not a drinker. I drink more in a day then she does in a month. " jacob joked. "We're your guys relationship sexual? " the lady asked serious. Jacobs face went blank and he shifted in the chair. "It was. " He said. Oh my god! "Did you ever assault her physically or sexually? " the lady asked digging deeper. "Absolutely not. " jacob said serious. "Her own father said that. " the lady said. "It know. " jacob told her nodding. "He was mad I proposed to Jasmine. " Jacob said shifting. "The sources say they saw you at the restaurant and that you guys were arguing. Was this the turning point?" She asked. "Yes. I think me and Jasmine were both tired of the media, tired of each others family and just tired of arguing. " He said. I didn't even see the media or hear any of this! "Your family didn't like her?" The said surprised. "My daughter didn't." He said and smiled. I turned the TV off and laid on the couch feeling and hearing my heart pound in my chest.

The next day i went out and i felt shamed like i did something wrong. "Are you Jasmine?" A lady came up to me. "Yes. " I say awkward. "You dated jacob Denman?" She asked smiling. "I did. " I said grabbing My bag. "You are so gorgeous! I'm routing for you two still!" She told me and i smiled. "Thank you very much. " I sincerely said.

"Did you purposely do that?" I asked Jacob that night at dinner. "It wasn't the truth?" He asked hushed. "No!" I told him feeling tears. "People have been saying mean things to me! Thank you for telling the world we were sexually active!" I cried. "I'm sorry but only the truth wi-" "I will tell them the truth!" I told him getting up. "Jasmine. No!" He stood up. "No. My side is going to be seen!" I told him.

So yea, a week later i was in front of the lady Jacob bashed me to set things straight live. "Hello Jasmine. It's nice to have you so we can get two perspectives. " She told me I nodded. "So Why'd you choose a man almost in his 30s?" She asked. "I didn't care about his age. Jacob takes care of himself and he's not some old guy. I couldn't help who i was attracted to. " I shrugged. "I think sometimes we can. You let a man almost 10 years your senior use his money to buy you!" She said and gasped. "it wasn't about the money. " I shook my head. "Did Jacob Denman in anyway assault you?" She asked carefully. Does verbal count? "No. " I shook my head. "So why did your father say that? Did Jacob really know you in your minor years?" She asked cold. "No Jacob met me at my current age. My father was upset that Jacob didn't contact him at all about the proposal or anytime during our relationship. He was hurt also by his age and race but my dad was not the absolute reason we broke up. " I told her angry now. "What was it then?" She asked extremely rude. " We went through a terrible miscarriage about a month ago and everything coming out an rumors just made him a ugly person and he made a judgment call that I didn't agree so he ended it with me. " I said feeling my chest tightened. The lady's face softened "I'm sorry. That hard for any woman. " She said lightly. "I know. And i know it was hard for him. " I lightly said. "So this is just a phase and you two will be back together in time?" She asked. I shook my head. "I thinks done. It's gone too far and we are both not gonna look back besides, i'm just a mixed hatian girl who loved a white man. " I said standing up. That was a title of article I seen the lady write about me and Jacob. I walked off smiling.

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