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"Hey. "Gregory told me walking into my new room. "Hi!" I stood up and hugged him. "You like it?" He asked. "Yea it's perfect. " I told him and kissed him. "Thank you. " I said and smiled. "Wanna go into the living room with me and talk?" He asked with something on his mind. "Sure. " I said following him. We walked to the living room and we sat on the love seat. "So I know a lot about you but I don't think you know enough about me. " he lightly said. I pulled my feet up sitting Indian style and nodded growing upset. What is he gonna tell me? "So I was as Justin Johnson but my birth parents didn't want me. They gave me up within the first hours of birth. That's when my parents now got me. I love them so much. "He said gently. I nodded feeling sad for him. "So they named me Gregory Donato France. " He chuckled. "I was in every sport in highschool, I had the while highschool sweetheart. But near the end of senior year she got pregnant, had a abortion and broke up with me. " he said plainly. "Wow a abortion?" I lightly said. "Yea. She told me after the fact but she said she was 18 weeks so she knew for a while. I feel very horrible when i think about it. Like why couldn't she come to me when she first found out and talked to me?" He said in thought. "But that fueled me and also Jacobs antics to just become a boring business guy. " He lightly said. I nodded. "But things happen for reasons like us. " He smiled. "Yea. " I agreed. He leaned forward and kissed me sweetly. "Anything else you wanna know?" He asked "you told me a lot. " I lightly said. "Yea..." He chuckled. I got up and so did he. "Thanks for telling me. " I hugged him. He held my sides. "I Uh did something else lately. " He said lightly. "Really what?" I asked. "I met up with your dad." He suddenly said. "Why?" I asked token back. "To get his blessing to date you. " He said slowly. "You didn't need it. He doesn't even love me nor claim me as his daughter." I said upset. "My parents taught me that's the right way I'm sorry but he loves you extremely. He cried when I talked about how well you've been." He said taking my hands. "Then why doesn't he talk to me?" I asked feeling tears in my eyes. "He feels you lost your purpose and doesn't know who you are. " Gregory whispered. "He told you that?" I asked. He nodded. "I agreed but told him you're finding your purpose again. " he said and i felt lifeless. "What am I doing?" I asked plopping onto the couch. He sat next to me and sat back. "You will figure it out. You're still very much young. " He simply said but he was literally right. "I agree."

The first night! I changed into a silk sleeping gown. I was growing anxious. Then there was a knock. I went to the door opened it. "Hey. " Gregory walked straight in. "What are you doing?" I asked. He got inside my bed. "Sleeping with you tonight. Come on. " He smiled. I walked over and got in. "Is this right?" I asked laughing. "Completely. I will leave in the morning before you can see or feel anything. " He said pulling the covers up. He leaned over and kissed me i held him and he got on top of me "Be careful. My bruises. " I reminded him bringing my knees up. "How about a welcome gift?" He asked pulling my dress up above my stomach. "What are you doing? We're not going there!" I told him serious. He pulled my hips to his. "Nothing Ms.Serious. I was offering to uh.... eat you out with no favor in return. " He said convincing. "I want you to but we're taking it slow remember?" I asked him getting turned on by our position. "Yea but I'm insanely attracted to you, it's hard. " He laughed. I sat up and hooked a arm around his neck kissing him. He grinded into me adding sexual tension. "Good night Gregory. " I told him laying back down and unhooking my legs around him. "Goodnight. " He said laying down.

In the morning Gregory was gone and i was well rested. I decided i was gonna make him some breakfast! I will be a good girlfriend. I got dress into a white summer dress and decided to get cooking!

"Look at my beautiful girlfriend. " Gregory said coming in with a suit on. "And my handsome boyfriend. " I smiled turning the stove off. "I made you eggs and bacon. " I told him smiling. "Oh great!" He said excited. "Go sit and i will serve you. " I told him sweetly. I got his plate ready and took it out. I put it in front of him with a knife and fork. "Thank you. " He said. "No problem." I sat on his lap. "I appreciate what you've done for me. " I honestly said. "Like wise. " He chuckled. He kissed me and i smiled. I got up and kissed his cheek. "Thanks again. " he said.

It was strange being at Gregory's house alone. I decided to go to his study to get on his computer. Something was already up. It was a picture of us. His background was us. Awww. I clicked Google Crome and his history popped up. It was stuff about Jacob. I clicked off it and looked up some music.

About two hours later i let my curiosity get to me. I went into his room and looked around. It was neat and tidy. I went to his bed and sat on it. It smelled just like him. I laid back and slowly closed my eyes.

Shit! I fell asleep! I jumped off his bed and closed the door behind me. Then i heard the front door open. I walked to the living room and Gregory was coming in. "Hi!" I said and hugged him. "Hey. Wasn't too boring was it?" He asked taking his jacket off. "No it was fine. I hope it's okay I was on your computer. I looked up music. " I told him lightly. "No that's fine. What's mine is yours now. " He smiled. "Aw that was so cute, aww!" I told him hugging him. "Cute like my baby girl. " He said swinging me. Then he kissed me. His lips tasted like mint. "I bought us something. " He said against my lips. "Oh really?" I asked as he turned. He then pulled a wine bottle out and movies. "Wow. What's with you guys in wine?" I asked giggling. "Wine makes everyone calm." He said simply. "...and horny" I told him laughing.

We were on his living room floor close to the big flatscreen TV. 'Bam!' a ghost pulled the girl down a dark hallway. "Gregory!" I yelled rolling close to him. "You're such a baby. " He laughed wrapping his arms around me. "Shutup. " I pouted laying my head on his chest. I then begun kissing his neck. "Baby...." He softly said. I ignored him and begun sucking his neck. "Jasmine...." He said squirming. "Hmm?" I asked sitting up. "You're such a little tease!" He said laughing. "I'm not teasing you. " I simply said. I was definitely horny! How can a couple live together and not have sex? Maybe we're weak. I stood up and held my hands put. He took them and i pulled him up. He pulled me close by my waist and kissed me aggressively. I wrapped my arms around his neck and he picked me up. "No penetrating me. " I smiled wrapping my legs around him. "Why?" He asked kissing my neck roughly. "Because we have to save that moment. " I laughed and moaned Sliding up as his hand grabbed my butt. "For what?" He asked putting his hand under my dress and on my butt. "When we're in love. " I smiled. "Well I didn't want to tell you but I already love you. " He told me matter of factly. "Oh really?" I asked him not believing him. "Okay it's not a lie but not the whole truth. I love your personality. " He said chuckling. "Thanks baby. " I told him kissing him. He begun walking as he kissed my chest.

"So I wanted to ask you something. " Gregory asked after we were done messing around. "What?" I asked sitting Indian style. "A couple buddies of mine decided we should do a couples retreat this weekend. Do you wanna come?" He said also sitting Indian style. "That sounds fun. " I said hugging him and making him fall back. We laughed and he kissed me "sounds like a plan gorgeous. " He told me rubbing my sides.

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