I'm not ok...(Peter Parker)

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Inspired by the TikTok video from; @parkerzpool and @bb.xxo

POV: Peter ignores you at school because...

With a press of a button, you off your IPhone, the previous nights conversation between you and Peter turned into a pitch black screen till you could visibly see the reflection of yourself. Last night, you texted Peter till around midnight, till he had to go somewhere, which was kinda weird since which teenager goes out at midnight? But you didn't hesitate because you were half-asleep anyway. That night, when Peter texted bye, you couldnt sleep although you felt tired like 2 minutes ago, you kept staring at the ceiling, the boring, old white ceiling.

After awhile, finally giving up on the thought of rest, you texted Peter if he was awake and could possibly call.
It was another magical, amazing moment. You and Peter chatted forever, about the most random things. You had to stuff the duvet into your mouth so you wouldn't burst out laughing at some of the things Peter said. Before you knew it, you drifted off to sleep, whilst still on call. You could swear you heard him say 'I'm sorry' at the end...

This morning you sprang out of bed, and rushed over to Aunt May's apartment, as per usual she opened the door and welcomed you inside but it was all for nothing. Peter had already made it to school since he had to work on a 'project', which was sort of weird since he always waits for you. He even said last night that he can't wait to see you and now he didn't even wait for you. You pushed the negative emotions out of your head and blocked them from hitting your heart. Maybe Peter was just really busy.

"Hey my dork" you find Peter unlocking his locker and lean onto another array of lockers beside his. Peter startles slightly by your appearance and slams the locker shut.

He runs his tongue along his front teeth as he closes his eyes tightly for a brief second before opening them again. Immediately you can tell something is wrong. "Hey baby Parker what's wrong?" You ask, placing a hand on his shoulder. Last night he was fine, in fact he was the happiest you ever seen him.
A couple of girl give you a weird face and Peter notices.
"Don't call me 'baby Parker'. And I'm not your 'dork'." He rolls his eyes as the words hit you like a sharp knife piercing through your skin. You gulp, attempting to block the tears from streaming down like an aggressive waterfall. "But Peter..." you manage, as you feel a lump form in the middle of your throat.
Peter turns to face the the direction the crowd of students are heading to, "Just don't talk to me at school, OK?" He shoots at you, not maintaining eye contact.

"Not ok, why?" You hold back the tears threatening to come out as your lip slightly quivers.

"See you later Y/n." He doesn't even wave and before you know it, he disappears into the crowd of students, blending in with them instantly.

Peter's POV...

I feel like kicking, punching, hitting myself a thousand times for being such a jerk. I could see the pain glistening in her eyes. I hated it, I hated doing that to her.

In the cafeteria, I notice Y/n help arrange the homecoming posters up on the wall, laughing at whatever joke someone made. Even from the distance, I could see her dimple popping out like a sore thumb, her white teeth glittering in the perfect sunlight. Even from the chattering, and low rumbles of students, I could hear her laugh, echoing through my ears. I use my hand to support my neck as I stare at the gorgeous girl, admiring her every feature. "She's so pretty." My thoughts escape my mouth lazily. "If you like her, why are you always pushing her away?" Ned asks, taking another bite of the mouldy school sandwich and making a disgusted face at the taste.

"I'm just protecting her..."

Last night, halfway through my texting marathon with Y/n, a great Iron suit came flying towards my apartment, knocking on my window. It was Mr.Stark, confused at the time, I pulled on my suit and climbed to the roof of the building where Iron Man awaited for me. "Mr Stark?" I greeted but also made it seem like a question. Why was Mr Stark here at 12am beckoning me? "Is everyone ok?" Is my first question, a couple nights before, I tried saving a bank robbery but ended up hurting more people than intended. "No thanks to you." The iron sculpture shot back at me. Wow, harsh.

"Thanks to me?!, I'm the only one who tried to do something! If you just listening to me-"

"That doesn't matter, people still got hurt and that's on you."

I looked down at the concrete floor in the mist of darkness, "I'm sorry"...

"Sorry doesn't cut it Peter"

"I know, I just got distracted".

By Y/n

Tony Stark walked out of the suit swiftly and looked me in the eye, "By Y/n?" It was
scary how he could literally read my thoughts.
I gulped and rested my eyes on another spot on the ground.

"That's it you two, you're done." He shoots back at me, like a stab in the chest.

"No no Mr Stark." I pleaded.

"We can't afford for you to get distracted again, it's over."

"That isn't your decision to make!" I yelled, though it came sort of muffled through my mask.

"It is, if you want to keep that suit!"

"I-I love her.." I croaked, stopping the tears from coming out.

"I know Kid." And before I could blink, he disappeared into the foggy air.

So that night, I went back to my room and opened a ton of messages from Y/n saying that she couldn't sleep and wanted to call. That's it, I had the best, and last call with Y/n. I watched her fall asleep on FaceTime, and couldn't help but let a few tears escape.
Truth is, I hate doing this to her, I hate seeing the pain stinging in her eyes, I can practically feel it radiating off her body but I have to do this, for her protection, and the world's.

Peter Parker/Tom Holland Imagines!Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora