Heartbroken (Tom holland) 2

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POV: It's been 7 months since you broke up with Tom Holland after dating him for 2 years, and your beginning to catch feelings for Timothee Chalamet.
Part 2.

(Tom's POV)

My eyes glue onto hers like a magnet, her blue dress flatteringly hug onto all her wonderful curves, moulding into each edge perfectly.

She looks stunning, ever so stunning.

What can I say, she's always stunning.

My body stays stationary whilst my heart beats as if I just ran a million miles.

Butterflies fly in my stomach when I watch her laughing uncontrollably with another guy, her infamous 'one' dimple cutting through her blushed cheek.

Timothee Chalamet, what a guy.
But a guy for Y/n? Jealousy hits me hard, not just in the chest, it just me everywhere making me numb.

"Um Tom, come on we need to go." Harry takes my arm and rushes me past Y/n and Timothee, my hand gently brushing against her flowing dress.

When I look behind me, I watch her gaze planted onto me, her smile suddenly a frown , and I just realise how much I've hurt her, and the damage can't be forgiven..

Your POV

Everything Timothee was joking about with you earlier to cause you laughing in hysterics, escapes your mind, and Tom fills up all the space in your mind.

"Y/n..." Timothee's jaw clenched slightly as he takes a breath, "come on.." he places a hand on your lower back and tries to lead you out into the stage.

Slowly you shake my head, a lump forming in your throat refusing to go down no matter what, "No- no Timothee I- I'm not going out there, please." You feel like breaking apart, you've not seen him for 7 months in person, and you were just about starting to divert your attention, you can't let myself love him, you can't do that at all...

"You're already here, Y/n you can do it, don't let him get to you." Timothees hand interlocks with yours as he rubs his thumbs against the back of your palm.

After a while, you are welcomed on stage and everyone applauds you, a smile masking the deep emotions you're feeling deep inside your the last on stage, so obviously you had the most dramatic entrance (not planned), you almost had a panic attack but luckily Timothee was there to help you. You still have that nervous sick feeling in your stomach.

"The beautiful one and only: Y/N Y/L/N!!" Jimmy opens his arms and welcomes you to take a seat.

You give Jimmy a light hug and smile to the other cast members, then your heart sinks, realising the only free space is the one next to Tom.

Hesitantly, you take a seat, watching Tom's eyes divert to you, and you only.

"So Y/n any reason why you and Tom are matching?" Jimmy smirks, the whole crowd raring with laughter.

You laugh in response, trying to ease up the tension, "I didn't even know he was going to be here!" You exclaim, speaking the truth.

After a few NWH related questions, someone shouts from the silent crown "TOM KEEPS LOOKING AT Y/N!" and everyone roars like tigers again, clapping their hands and whooping.

You shuffle uncomfortably in your seat, your thumbs twiddling and your knee bouncing up and down again, you catch on that Tom's hand makes a slight movement as if to touch yours, then stays still in his lap.

Jimmy laughs and claps his hands, whilst Zendaya and the other cast members who know about you and Tom, shift uncomfortably in their seat.

"So I hear your in love?" Jimmy asks, putting all the pressure on you and you only.

"In love?" You repeat, unable to process all the information.

"Yeah I mean, I heard something about it!" He chuckles, whilst the audience echoes.

Heart beating out of your chest, you take some slow deep breaths and attempt to calm your muscles,

"I mean yeah, I was in love...."

Tom's complete attention stays onto you, like it has been the whole time.

"..but not at the moment; no." You answer vainly, and for once, Tom diverts his attention elsewhere, and this time it's the ground.

Heart beating uncontrollably, your chest rises up and down up and down up and down, nonstop as memories flashes through your mind, memories with Tom.

Tears prickle in your eyes, and you wish to escape...to just escape, you feel as if your drowning, drowning in air.

Andrew and Tobey are busy discussing something with Jimmy, all voices blurred, till a soft, familiar hand holds yours soothingly. It takes you a while to interpret this, but when you realise, you can't help but feel his touch and embrace it.

"O-one second, excuse me sorry." You stand up from the stage and lead out through the exit.

Tom's POV

She's getting a panic attack, I know she is, and when she gets a panic attack....we don't talk about what happens when she get panick attack.

My heart races and I stand up and quickly go after her, only to see her in someone else's arms, someone else's chest, someone else's words spoken softly into her ear.

Sh*t I f*cked up big time...

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