Enemies (Tom Holland) 2

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Timothee Chalamet.


Running as if you'd never ran before, you fall into Timothee's arms and hold his close, "Ah sh*t!" He laughs nearly toppling to the ground, yet hugging you and spinning you around.

Toms POV

I hate her. I hate her so f*cking much.
First time I saw her, she just- I don't know why but I just hate her.
And she hates me,
So the feelings mutual.

But why, why does it feeling as if my insides are boiling in acid, watching her hug him.
Watching her be with him,

I've not even known her that long but there's this feeling, this feeling of care.

One time, some drunk weirdo was catcalling her and I was ready to beat the sh*t out of him, I don't know why I even bothering caring at that point but I did, I did care.

"Yooo Tom Holland how ya doin man." Timothee shakes hands with me, he's a decent dude, perfect for Y/n, they aren't dating, just best friends, but the relationship and bond they have with each other is something that I f*cking ache to have, with her.

(a week passes)

Your POV

In the past week, well a LOT happened, Timothee confessed, he frikin confessed his feelings towards you! First it was a bit awkward because you know, you guys were close mates, but it sort of soothed in with one another and now,,well now he's your boyfriend.

The first official date is today, after your rehearsal which he can't be accompanying you to since he has to go work on Dune, one of the final scenes for him.


"You're dating him! I knew it I knew it I knew it!" One of your makeup artists sequels and swivels you around playfully in your spinny chair.
Smiling yet blushing you tell her to hush and keep the secret.

Beside you, you notice your nemesis watching you and listening to every word.

After a while it's just you and Tom in the makeup area, everyone else has gone to do their final checkup measures as usual.

"I hear you're dating him?"

"Yeah I am, you jealous that I actually got a date instead of being like your single ass." You chuckle to yourself and Tom doesn't look annoyed, he just stares at you quietly for a bit, as if interpreting something..

"Pfft..." he says, as if he were to say something before.

"What? Cat got your tongue?" You tested tilting your head slyly.

"As if anyone would want to date you, you are so f*cking boring." He begins, as your smile turns straight.

"Hey, I'm gonna be honest with you because no one else will." He continues.

For a moment you think he's going to say something nice..

"Any guy who says he's interested in you, beyond just f*cking you, is full of sh*t. So: good luck with your boyfriend." He exclaims, his words like poison to your ears.

"You- you don't mean that." You stammer, he's obviously joking,


"Oh believe me, I mean it. Timothee must be on some drugs if he's dating you, have you looked in the mirror?" He blurts.


He does mean it, of course he meant it, everything he's said from the start he's meant.

And for an actual solid chance, you thought that maybe, maybe one day he could be your friend.

But that gorgeous face is a lie.

Your heart paces and emotion fills it immediately, tears brimming in your eyes.
No, no you won't let him have that satisfaction.
No not at all.

Letting out a soft but meaningful sigh, you excuse yourself and rush into the bathroom, almost feeling sick to the stomach.

Why does it hurt so much? Nothing he hasn't said before. Only this time, there was true hatred in his voice, in his face, and you could tell, just by that,that he truly meant it, and for some reason, it crushed your heart.

Tom's POV.

F*ck, f*ck, f*ck what did I do.
I messed up, I should've never f*cking said that, I didn't mean it.

I don't know why but I felt angry, angry when I knew that she started dating someone,
I know it doesn't make sense as to why, as to why I suddenly felt this anger...this jealousy?

But it's biting away at my flesh, eating me alive.

I keep reminiscing what I said to her and hurts, it f*cking hurts because of the guilt.

I need to apologise.

Truth is, Y/n is the most beautiful girl I have ever met, I just have to hate her, because that's the only way we communicate, at this point I don't know if she feels the same way....well I know now that she doesn't feel the same way.

"Hey, where's Y/n?" Someone enters the room asking in a hurry. When I don't answer, he rolls his eyes briefly, "Call me if you see her please!" He says before running off as if he never entered.

In the distant, I hear some low whimpers,and heavy breathing. Following the noise, the staff toilets are before my eyes.


Your POV

Wiping your tears, you lean your head against the toilet door in exhaustion whilst looking at the mirror at yourself.

All of your insecurities poke out and laugh at yourself, teasing you and playing mind games.

You break down again.

Just for once, for once you actually felt good about yourself, your life was coming together, you had a house, a boyfriend, a sustainable job, everything. And most of all, you began to accept yourself,you began to love yourself, the greatest love of all.

And you had that significant plus one loving you.

But now, now everything feels like it was worth nothing.

Everything's gone, there was no 'loving yourself' and even if there was, it's all gone now, and no chance is it coming back.

"Y/n.." a hoarse, croaky voice escapes from the other ends and you know exactly who it is.

"Go away." You croak, hoping for your voice to come out more stern.

"Y/n please, please let me in." His voice sends shivers down your spine in a negative way, your chest raises up and down so much it feels like your in some sort of cardiac arrest.

Hand shaking, you manage to unlock the door, you can't handle this you need fresh air before you throw up or have a panic attack.

Opening the door, before you can run away, Tom embraces you tightly and you sink into his chest.

For some reason you don't run,he holds you ever so gently that you can just slip out of his arms but you don't, you stay there because you need it, you need him, even if it's hard to admit.

"Y/n, I-I'm so so sorry darling." The rests his chin on the top of your forehead and rubs your back gently.

"I never should've said that, I never should've said anything that I said before." He holds you closer and notices your breathing has stayed the same throughout.

"Y/n, please, please calm down, I'm here, I'm here with you. Your the most gorgeous girl I've ever seen...I don't even know why I act like I hate you. I never have, and I never will."..

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