Sacrifice (Peter Parker)

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Inspiration TikTok by: @stilinskii.mikaelson

POV: Peter wants to sacrifice himself to save you and his friends.

Sadness emits all over your body, trickling throughout your veins. You watch Peter Parker, the guy who wants to save everyone, digging his head into his arms. "I'm gonna be alright.." he breathes as anger surges through your body, but your sadness overcomes it instantly He nearly killed himself for everyone, he was just about to die and all he says is 'I'm gonna be alright.'
"What about me?" You gulp, sniffing and looking directly at Peter who maintains eye contact with the ground.
"Y/n stop.."
No, this was your turn to step up and actually speak.
"What about me when you go sacrifice yourself?" You croak, your voice breaking along the way. Losing Peter is not an option, he is the one boy, the one boy who you love, the one boy who you cannot lose. You have already lost nearly everyone in your life and Peter thinks he can just leave as well.
"No! I get it ok! You'll be okay, you'll be fine but what about me?" You yell as Peter slightly jumps, sadness clearly painted all over his face. Also, with a great, red gash across it. Peter shakes his head, he briefly licks his lips, tears threatening to burst out. "So don't do it for yourself!" You don't realise the icy, bitter tears which stream down your face till they creep into your mouth. "Do it for me." And now you taste the salt.
"Please Peter, please do this for me. Please." You plead before adding on. "You can't leave me Peter, I-I need you..." you sob.
After all this, all he says is, "I can't Y/n...I have to save the world." But what about you. He can't do this to you.
"Please, or I'll never be able to forgive you." You pant, nearly out of breath with all the yelling and negative emotions spilling out the both of you.
"For dying?" Peter asks, his red-stained eyes dribbling with tears.
"No!" You scream, "For making me love you!" You shoot back at him, now a waterfall erupting from your eyes. "Please Peter..."
The curly haired boy, stares upon the ground, not knowing what to say. He loves Y/n, with everything that he got but he has to save everyone. There's no Iron Man, no Captain America, Spiderman is the only living Avenger and everyone is counting on him. It's his duty to make those counts worth it.
"I thought you loved me, Peter..." you croak, before picking up your bag and rushing out the room, wiping your tears before more come splashing back in.


You sprint over to the limping Spiderman. It had been 2 weeks, a full 2 weeks since you had both talked to each other, and within those 2 weeks, Peter had every chance of dying. And it broke you, it broke you into pieces. You couldn't do anything, that's what hurt most.
Now, after successfully defeating Queen's most hated villain, you rush towards your lover and fling your hands over him. Oh, how much you missed his touch. Although, the strong smell of flesh, ran through your nostrils, deep inside, he smelt like home, like Peter Parker. And it reminded you instantly of everything, all the memories unleashed.
"Y/n ..." he hugs your tighter and breaths into your coconut-scented hair. A couple seconds later you pull away and stay his gashes, all across his face. "I'm sorry." He speaks before you cut him off. Your cherry-chapstick stained lips crash onto his crusty, blood stained lips.
You both pull away for a brief second and stare into each other's eye, it becomes a magical, mystical moment. A moment you never, ever want to end. A moment, the moment you have been waiting for and now it's here. Perhaps not in the circumstances you wanted, but it is with the right boy. That's all that matters. It is with the goofy, nerdy boy you had longed to hold. Peter smiles at you and kisses you, this time it's more passionate, real, right.
"I'll never leave you, Y/n, I promise." He embraces you tightly, stroking your hair as your finger tips trace his back.

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