The Break (Peter Parker)

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Music for effect ^^

Pov- Peter breaks up with you...
(Over text message)

Darling do you have a minute?.... -Peter                                            
                                                                                                 Yep, a lot of minutes why? -Y/n              

Ok so u can hate me all you want but I think it's
best if we go our own separate ways...I'm at a point
in my life where I just need a break from reality and
I just want to focus on me. I will never look to hurt
you or cause you any pain but I believe for the best of us,
we should break apart. I love you, always darling. -Peter.                                       

Wow I'm shocked-...
                                                                                                                                   Well Peter, with you i have had  some of the best moments of my life.   
always awesome,
you made my life complete.. :/.
The only way I'l let you leave
Is if you promise me something... -Y/n

Anything.. -Peter

Never forget me, I'll see you in
another lifetime my love... -Y/n

I won't ever forget you Y/n
Your the best thing that's
Ever happened to me. In another life
I love you
And I'll never stop... -Peter

-2 weeks past-

As you dangle your legs off the large building, you stare down upon the whole city below, Queens, it occurred to you, how such small, useless humans can make such an impact on everything. From this staggering view, everything was visible, every waking person, every streetlight within a certain mile radius, every flashing car zooming past under the moonlit streets. And you know what hurt most? Seeing those couples, those couples who you know would grow up to have their own mini family, their own happy family.
In a blink of an eye, a red and blue flash zooms in and squats down next to you, his masked legs dangling off in the same rhythm as your own.
"What's going on, ma'am?" He asks, his voice vaguely familiar.
Your glum face reaches up-to his masked face, his illuminating, black eyes staring at you. " Probably sounds pathetic, but I miss him..." you confess, twiddling with your fingers.
"Who?" He asks, tilting his head slightly, reminding you of Peter.
"This boy. He broke up with me. But at least he's happier now. Thats all I want" you face smile, trying to lighten the mood.
Spiderman just looks at you, in deep concentration. "Yeah, I-uh- I'm sure he misses you too."
"You think?"
"Positive. If he broke up with you to focus on himself then of course he loves you, he wants to give you the best version of himself, and right now he doesn't think he's at his best."
"Wow Spiderman, you really are a hero." You chuckle. "Thanks."

Peter Parker/Tom Holland Imagines!Where stories live. Discover now