Away... pt 2 (Peter Parker)

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POV: Peter hates himself for what he has done to you.
Music for effect^^

Crying, you rush home and climb into your duvet, burying your head into the soft sheets. You scream and cry into the pillow. You don't even know why you are overreacting so badly, maybe it's because your boy(best)friend, hid something from you for so long, the person you told everything to, still kept some secrets from you.

Turning around, you lay on your back staring at the ceiling, which had been painted with glow-up stars. You smile slightly, remembering about how, when you and Peter were both 8, you had put those stars on, and you had stuck about 10 onto Peter's back without him realising.

You close your eyes deeply, you wouldn't be able to sleep, your night had been way too hectic. Your wrists burn. And you hold this lingering smell of cheap alcohol.

Peter's POV...

I perch myself on her roof, spying on her through the starlight window. It gave a good view, of her, but not of what I wanted to see. Every night, I would come up here, to watch her, to watch her being goofy, to watch her writing something down and making a scrunched up, cute face whenever she got something wrong. But now, I watch her crying, sobbing into her pillow and it's all because of me.
I love her, and I hate doing this to her.
I can't lose her. I need her. I can't..
A tear escapes.
I mentally kick myself for being such a jerk. She nearly died because of me....she nearly died.
What have I done? I'm such an idiot. I don't deserve her. She deserves someone better than me...

(2 weeks pass)

Your POV...

Staring into the mirror, whilst you towel dry your wet hair, you recollect the traumatic experience from 2 weeks ago. Peter hadn't spoke a word to you since, even though your eyes kept locking onto each other's in school.  Everything rushes back to you like a gushing wave, drowning you in a mist of your own memories.
Without warning, a soft knock appears on your balcony's sliding doors. Averting your attention from the mirror, your eyes search the source of the noise.

"H-help. Ouch" Peter winces, clutching his side as blood oozes out of it. He stands in pain, in his Spiderman suit, his mask acting like a cloth to comfort his pain.

In shock, you stare at him for a while before coming to your senses and immediately sliding the door, leaving it ajar whilst welcoming Peter into your room.

Sadness erupts in the  pit of your stomach, burning like flames, seeing Peter like this.
Wincing in pain, Peter buries his head in his hands, muttering angrily to himself.

Thinking fast, you ran the first-aid box and begin to grab the wipes and bandages. You grab your nearest chair and sit opposite Peter, moving his hands so you could examine his injury.

An award silence fills the room, as a pile of blood-stained wipes stack up in the bin.
"So you decide to come and actually see me when you're covered in blood. Believe it or not Peter, but I'm not a nurse."

Peter sighs looking down at his nasty gash. "I know Y/n, and I'm sorry. You deserve anymore of this, you don't deserve me."

You stop in your tracks, and look directly at his face. "Seriously? I can't believe you just said that. Peter I love you for gods sake! But you keep pushing me out of your life."

You look at a wall as tears begin to sting in your eyes. "You left me alone for 2 weeks, 2 weeks you didn't even say a word to me. And now you come randomly, with a gash on your kidney expecting me to welcome you with warm hands. It hurts Peter, everything does." Tears begin to stream down your face as Peter's face drops.

"I-" he begins, then instantly pulls you in a hug, stroking the back of your hair as you nuzzle your head into the crook of his neck.. "I'm so sorry." He croaks and you both pull away, looking into each other's tear-stained eyes.

Leaning in, an electrifying spark currents through both of your bodies, bringing you closer and closer. The kiss felt magical, sensational, amazing. Peter pulls away and smiles at you, his hand resting on your neck, his thumb gently caressing your right cheek. "I love you too Y/n Y/l/n. I promise I'll never leave you again."

(7 years later)

You stare at his name, his name entered into the granite. 'Peter Parker-Spiderman'. Tears stream down your face as you place a bouquet, (his favourite) by his tombstone. "Peter you promised..." You place a gentle hand on your stomach and look down at it. "Peter would love and spoil you." You say to the mini Peter inside you and break out a weak smile. Again, you look at Peter's grave. "I never got to tell you, I was going to tell you the news after the a surprise but..." You break down into a waterfall of tears. "I love you Peter..."

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