Away..(Peter Parker)

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POV: Peter's never on never..

Icy air, rushed through your body as you wrap your coat tightly around your body, goosebumps trailing along your arms.  You looked like a right fool, in a room full of chattering people with their meals whereas you are by yourself, waiting, patiently, for the boy of your dreams. This isn't the only time, Peter's been late, there were multiple times when you were supposed to meet up, (the library, the park, the mall) and he always ended up apologising, saying he could never make it. What was he doing to cancel all of your plans together? 3 months ago, when you first began dating, you would never suspect Peter for cheating but you really don't know what to believe.

At this point you can practically feel everyone's glare upon you, the whispers of people being sympathetic that your boyfriend didn't turn up for your date. "Ma'am, there are people waiting to be seated. I'm afraid, if no one is coming or if you are not going to order, we will have to kindly ask you to leave." A tall, blonde waitress comes along your way, smiling sympathetically. Deep inside, you want to convince her that Peter will make it, and he's just stuck in traffic with May or something, but you know better.
You tighten your lips before standing up and holding your bag, "Um...yes, I'll leave. Sorry for wasting your time." You give her a half-smile and embarrassingly, walk out of the restaurant, with an empty stomach.

As you walk your way back home, the bitter wind, tugs onto you maliciously. You would wipe the tears that are streaming down your face, but they're so warm against your red cheeks.
It is about 9pm into Saturday night, Peter was meant to be with you like 2 hours ago, and now you had to walk through the night, alone. Fear washes over you, like a massive, tidal wave, swallowing you whole. You discreetly, pull your hood over your head, making an attempt to look intimidating, but really, it did nothing but keep your hair in one place.

In the distance, you hear the low rumble of a group of men, with clattering bottles of alcohol in their grasp. The more the sound gets closer, the more you increase your walking speed. You heart suddenly becomes a wild cheetah running away from it's enemy.
Suddenly, you turn into an empty alleyway, which probably wasn't the most wisest decision, but an attempt to hide away from the dodgy men.
The strong smell of alcohol runs up your nose, as you find yourself surrounded with the drunk men.Your breathing accelerates and it feels as if the walls are quickly closing up on you.
Wet, icy hands grip onto your wrist, the nails digging into your skin, alcohol radiating from his body. You scream, louder than ever, again and again but it seems as if nothing is working.
You sob, begging for help. Taking a deep breath, you knee the drunk man in the groin hard as he lets go of your wrists and winces in pain. One down, 5 to go. This isn't gonna work. One underage girl vs 5 bodybuilder-type guys. You gulp.

"Feisty...hmm.." one of the men walk towards you, smirking in the mist of a darkness.

"Help..." you croak, your breathing becoming shallow.

Before you can blink, a masked figure knock out all the guys before you can even take in what just happened. Red and Blue colours flash before your eyes, and you can hear grunts and winces in the background. "L-let's get you out of here ma'am." And up you go, gloved hands grasped onto your waist tightly. Building flashes past you, covered with spiderwebs.
Finally you are placed upon a 20ft building.
Your heart is still beating faster than...ever. At this point, you don't know if it's because you were nearly about to get abducted by a bunch of dodgy, creepy men, or the fact that you just met Spider-Man. The Spiderman.

"Are you ok? Are you hurt? I-I I'm so sorry. I-" the masked figure speaks quickly, running his hands over his gloved head and staring the ground. He sounds very familiar, however you couldn't quite put your finger on it. "Hey, you saved my life, you don't need to be sorry." You sit down on the edge of the building, feeling safe in fact.

Spiderman joins you staring at his gloved fingers. You let out an exasperated sigh.
"What's wrong?" He asks, his slanted eyes looking at you. You don't look back.

"I don't know. I- I don't know what to do..."

"What do you mean?"

"My boyfriend...he bailed on me..again. And it's not only the first time. He's done it millions of times before..."

There was a short silence when Spiderman replied, before gulping down the lump in his throat.

"Th-then why don't you break up with him?"

"That's the thing..I love him, I need him, and I won't be able to end it. But maybe it's for the best, because he doesn't love me back."

The silence comes again, but this time for longer...

"Sorry I sound so stupid right now." You stand up and wipe the tears rolling down your cheek. "Thank you Spiderman."

But it takes a while for him to comprehend everything. He stands up and looks you in the eye. "I love you too Y/n.."

Before you can question, anything, the masked figure peels off his mask.
Shock, immediately drowns your face. "Wha-"

"I know...I have been a real jerk. I'm so sorry." He breathes, as tears sting in your eyes. You stare at the ground. You close your eyes and scrunch your face up before speaking again.
"Who else knows?"

"Ned...and MJ, she kind of found out herself.."

"So you didn't even tell me? You told my best friend and not even your own girlfriend."
Peter looks away, pain stabbing him in the not the chest...everywhere.

"I- I know you-, you deserved to know I was just trying to protect you..."

"Take. Me. Home. Now Peter."

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