η ομάδα γονιδίων: the gene pool

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Lena continued this habit for the next week or so. She would go about her morning, sometimes sitting next to Kara and company at breakfast before going to her morning classes. Then meeting up with Maggie in Ancient Greek, fooling around in the back of the classroom until their teacher scolded them. And she would join everyone at lunch. Lena had never felt more at home than she did when she was with everyone. They all seemed to be really accepting of her. Especially Kara, Mon-El, and Winn.

Winn would sometimes engage her in chatter about the next tech thing he was building. The son of Hephaestus loved to invent new things and while Lena couldn't always understand everything he was talking about, she enjoyed listening to him talk with such enthusiasm. Occasionally inputting her own ideas when she could.

Alex and Maggie usually kept to the sidelines of the group, usually talking to each other, but sometimes would engage Lena in conversation. Maggie tended to talk with her a lot in Ancient Greek, so lunch was dedicated to letting the others monopolize Lena's time and gave Maggie an opportunity to spend time with her girlfriend. James was much the same. He seemed to be the most reserved of the group, preferring to sit back and listen.

The friendship that surprised her most of all was her budding friendship with Mon-El. He seemed like the typical frat boy that she probably would have gone to college with if she had gone to a normal college. But she had to admit, he was more than met the eye. While he did have that side of him, he was deceptively intelligent about things that he was passionate about. He would sometimes help her with her War Strategy coursework, giving her a different perspective on it than Alex or James would. Which Lena appreciated. While Alex and James were obviously very good at War Strategy being children of Athena, Mon-El had a different approach than they did. Often the brute strength route which didn't always work. But Lena liked to get mixed opinions on things so she could combine them and make something new. So she would ask all three people for their input most of the time.

And then, of course, there was Kara. Lena had to admit, she probably treasured Kara's friendship the most. Kara's face always lit up when Lena approached the group, and she was always the one to stand up and hug her, usually asking before she did. Kara would always invite her to hang out during their shared free period. And sometimes after classes were over for the day and the entire group went to do something, Kara was always the one to invite Lena along, though obviously, no one else protested. Lena was a part of the pack now.

Kara always offered to help Lena train with a sword, though Lena kept shooting her down. Kara would pout for a minute but always jump up and say "next time!" Lena was endeared by Kara's eternal sunshine. It was a wonder that Kara wasn't a child of Apollo.

With each passing week, Lena became less and less concerned about being claimed. Of course, she hoped she would eventually be claimed, but at first, it was because she wanted to fit in. And now she had a close group of friends that made her feel welcome. She didn't dwell on her parentage as much as she once did.

"Hey Lena, watching Kara and Mon-El again?" Lena looked in the direction of the voice to see James take a seat next to her. She nodded. Out of the entire group, she talked with James the least. It wasn't that she didn't like him, just they were both the quiet and solitary sort of individual, so they just never really chatted much.

"Kara's really good," Lena remarked, echoing her words to Alex on her first day. "And Mon-El seems to be getting better." She added remembering his skills when he first saw them fight. James looked over and watched Mon-El swing at Kara, who dodged his attack.

"Yeah, they are. I remember when Mon-El first came here. He was hopeless. We were all surprised that he was a son of Ares. They're usually supposed to be good at combat you know. But he was terrible. Always thinking with his muscles instead of his head." Lena nodded, being able to see that in a less refined Mon-El. He still had a little bit of that she could tell when he would help her with War Strategy.

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