υπέρταση: hyperion

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Lena found herself in the wasteland of stone once again. It seemed as though even Kara Danvers couldn't keep her dreams at bay. This time, she knew what was going to happen, so she found a flat stone and sat down, waiting. Before long there was a bright flash of light, so bright that Lena had to look away. When it faded the same muscular, brown haired man with the fiery eyes was standing front of her. She looked up at him defiantly. "What do you want this time?" She hissed. "Why do you keep invading my dreams?" The man chuckled, something sinister bubbling right beneath the surface.

"As I said, answers you're not ready for. Though I will say I'm surprised you haven't figured it out yet. Ah, no matter. You will soon enough." He said, his eyes flashing gold and the mark on Lena's wrist lighting up.

"Figured out what?" Lena asked, frowning and rubbing the glowing mark. But the man just shook his head.

"All in good time. Just know that the Oracle and your father are not the only ones who can divine prophecy." He said, spitting out the word father like it was poison. "But that is not why I am here. We know about your little quest. Your pitiful attempt to stop us. The Chimera was only our first test. A warm-up if you will." He taunted. "Our plans are coming to a close. You'd better prepare yourself." He said, the flames in his eyes growing brighter.

Lena's eyes widened a little bit." You... you're a Titan." She said, a little fearfully, inching back away from him on the rock. He just chuckled. He just mockingly bowed to her.

"Lord Hyperion, Titan of Light, Fire, and Power. Titan Lord of the East, at your service, my lady." He smirked at the fear in Lena's eyes and in her heart.

"Why are you telling me this? To what end? You could probably just kill me now if you wanted. Why toy with me? And with us?" Lena said, thinking back to her friends. And to Kara who was currently snuggled up against her side. Hyperion laughed.

"I could strike you down where you sit right now, Lena Luthor. But if that was my intent, you would have never left Demos alive. No, you have a much more important role to play than just being a death message to the gods. You're meant for greater things than that." He said, adjusting the golden wrist guard that was clasped around his right wrist.

"Like what?" She retorted. If he was going to play cryptic games with her, she was going to try to make the most of it.

"Have you ever wondered why the Gods sent you? A newbie halfblood on this quest? Zeus knew he was sending you to your death. He never expects you to make it back alive. Apollo himself sped up the process. Probably was feeling merciful I suppose. If his favorite daughter has to die, might as well make it sooner rather than later." He said nonchalantly. Lena narrowed her eyes.

"Why should I believe you? You're a Titan, I'm the child of a god. You're practically made to hate me." She questioned, a bit of her own fire in her eyes, her hands starting to glow a pale yellow as she stood from her rock. Hyperion looks amused, raising his hands in defeat, stepping back from Lena a little bit.

"The world it not as black and white as that Lena. Have you ever wondered about the fates of all the heroes that came before you? Hercules, Odysseus, Theseus. Almost all the great heroes, subject to tragic endings at the behest of the gods. Even cursed by the gods themselves. Because they were a threat. They fear what is more powerful than them. They will do anything to keep you on a leash. And if you don't comply, they will find a way to eliminate you. You're nothing more than a pawn in a long game Lena. I have no reason to lie to you about that." Hyperion reasoned. Their eyes met and Lena found herself captivated by the flames flickering behind his eyes.

"I... No. No way. My father cares about me. You're just trying to make me doubt myself." Lena insisted but Hyperion just chuckled.

"I have no doubt your father cares for you, Lena Luthor." He said, a slight shimmer in his eyes. "But the gods are using you. They're afraid of your power. And they will eventually get rid of you. Even if you survive this quest, if you become too powerful for them to control, they will eliminate you before you have the chance to overthrow them."

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