Surprise Guest and Covid-19?

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Devin's Pov

It has been a week since Selena left my house we have been in contact non stop talking and working on ourselves and relationship she said she wanted to make us work but wanted us to take thing slow again which i didnt blame her because i was the reason that she was feeling like this and didnt fully trust me. I spoke to my mom because she called me furious after she saw all of the articles she yelled at me and told me that she had raised me better than that and that she liked selena for me because kendall was a hoochie was always running onto the next nba player. I decided to cut all ties with every kardashian member and told kendall to leave me alone i blocked her number and blocked her on all social media accounts i didnt need to be dealing with that hot mess while i am trying to win my babygirl back. I was about to face time selena because she had a 2 hour break before she went on stage. I couldnt wait to see her i missed her more than she possibly imagine. 

Incoming call facetime call from Wifey <3 

D: Hi babygirl 

S: hola bebe como estas 

i chuckled and said "you make a man wanna speak spanish" she laughed and said 

S:I will teach you loverboy. how are you and how my baby bane

D: ive been good been going to therapy to help me grow and evolve in our relationship babygirl focusing on the game and counting down the days till i see you again. Bane misses his mama forsure he has not left your side of the bed and is always looking at the door when i walk in thinking you are coming in. 

S: I miss you both and i cant wait to be back home with both my babies two more weeks love 

We continued catching up on everything that was going on she mentioned to me how kendall tried throwing shade at her but she didnt let that phase her she knew that she needed to be strong and she knew that i was all about her and she was all about me and that all we wanted. we talked about her feeling sick these past couple of days and super tired i told her to take it easy and to take some time for herself, when she came back we would be hitting 7 months and i didnt want to be with anyone else. I knew that i wanted to do something nice for her and was going to do it because we deserved it. We both needed to get off the phone and told eachother we would text eachother throughout the day. I really couldnt wait for her to be the mother of my kids one day i know that this may be a little too soon but i have been wanting kids and her being the mama to them would complete life. 

Selena's Pov

I had been feeling off these past couple of days, something was happening and i didnt know what it was i was feeling moody, food was grossing me out and tired even after sleeping for a full 8 hours. I was not liking this feeling anymore i decided that i needed to talk to my manager and get an appt booked asap and listen to devin and go get checked out. I have always been scared of going to the drs because something always comes up and then things get worse before they can get back to good again. I did not want to go through the same experience again like we did with my father i wanted to be strong mentally to take myself to the dr alone but i knew that i didnt and couldnt do it so i asked my manager to make the appt and go with me. 

I was currently waiting for my manager to come get me and tell me that it was time to head out i decided to message devin and tell him that i was going to the drs office just to make sure that everything was going well. He did ask me to keep him posted with him having a few days he did offer to fly out but i didnt want him to fly out because i wanted him to focus on the game and be prepared we would meet eachother in two weeks and then i would be with him for a month since tour was wrapping up. I was taken out of my thoughts when my manager came inside and said "selena its time lets go" i grabbed my bag and phone and made my way out to the car. Once we got inside the car i couldnt help but think of a million things I wanted things to be okay but i didnt want to go and get told otherwise. I was nervous and freaking out on the inside. I was taken out of my thoughts as we made it to the office i was waiting for security to clear out the path of men who were trying to take out pictures it was frsutrating once they were cleared my security guard came opened the door and led me inside. Once we were inside my manager went to the desk to sign me in and get paperwork so I could fill it out. I was glad and thankful that this was a private dr so no one was the office but us until their next appointment was taking place I began filling out paperwork and one question caught my attention last date of menstraul cycle, that was when it hit me i was late, i began to freak out inside my head but then thought i had sex before i left with devin and i was stressed out and overwhelemed with everything that was happening. Once I was done I turned in all of the paperwork and followed the nurse into the room my manager waited outside for me and i began getting undressed to put on the night gown and wait for the dr. 

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