Daddy's Home

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Selena's Pov

I was taken out of my thoughts when I heard the door open and saw devin walking through haven ran to her daddy wanting to fill him with nothing but love and attention. I walked over to him and babygirl knew daddy was home because she began kicking up a storm. I hugged devin and began crying god these months without him no one will ever know how badly it hurt me. I was sad i was mad, i wanted him home and all to myself but that was all the hormones doing the talking. He did his best to be there for me through facetime but it was not the same as having him home and sharing all the moments with him. Babygirl missed having him home as well, I could tell because she was not doing the most kicking she was behaving and being nice for mama..

D: mama why are you crying don't cry you know seeing you cry makes my heart tight come give me some love

I couldn't help but smile as i was crying, I knew that this was my home and we were just getting started in making our family. I was in heaven having home.

s: you don t understand ho wmuch I've missed you devin. babygirl is definitely happy to have her daddy home.

I went towards the couch and sat down and grabbed his hand and put it on my belly, babygirl began kicking up a storm while devin began getting emotional saying "babygirl, daddys home and not leaving until you come out into the world" I was laughing because he was doing the most by kissing my tummy and haven was licking it as well haven had been super obsessed with babygirl the minute my tummy decided to start showing. Devin came up and said "I've missed you baby" i kissed him and it sucked because i could not have him but these dam hormones were getting the best of me. "soon babygirl we just need to be safe" ugh.. I laughed at him and reminded him that we needed to go to my doctor's appt tomorrow because now that i am getting closer to my due date she would like to see me weekly. I have hit month 9 and my due date is in two weeks. Devin and i are prepared for our babygirl. our family is prepared but we wanted to make sure that we were not missing anything.

Devin's Pov

I looked at Selena sleeping peacefully, the entire suns team was waiting for the arrival of our baby, my agent and coaches had granted me all of the off season to spend time with my family and become the dad i wanted to be. We literally had the days before us before babygirl made her way back to us. She was definitely going to be a tough cookie because she kept telling our families that she didnt want to get any medication while going into labor. I knew that her pain tolerance was high but we've watched birthing videos and they are intense but she still did not budge into wanting to get medicine.

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