Chapter 26: Welcome to hell

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Pulling at the chain clamped tightly around my leg, I screamed out until my throat was beyond sore hoping that someone would come to my aid. But it had been hours since I had seen anyone.

I don't even remember getting here, but one minute I was in Giovanni's office, the next I had awoken in a dark cell chained to the wall.

My leg had been re-dressed and new stitches were put in place, but that was the last thing I cared about right now.

Staring at the locked door, I quickly began to use every initiative possible to get out of here.

Running my fingers through my hair, I pulled out the bobby pin I always left in.

That was a trick mum always taught me. The world was a cruel place for everyone, but it was becoming increasingly dangerous for women.

She always told me if I was taken, a bobby pin could be the difference between life and death.

Twisting it the way I had seen her do it, I carefully inserted it into the lock and prayed I'd hear it unlock as I twisted it in numerous ways.

But before I had any luck, the sound of a lock unlocking echoed around the small dark room causing me to drop the bobby pin in fright.

The door opened to reveal a dull light, but my eyes were fixated on the murderer stood before me.

The devil had finally revealed his true form.

"Morning sleeping beauty" he taunted before walking in with 2 people behind him.

I kept my eyes locked on him as he walked in with a smug expression before sitting down on a chair that one of the men carried in.

"Here you are boss".

Feeling completely numb, I watched as the other man gave Giovanni a couple of folders before he and the other man took their leave.

"Aww, you not happy to see me darling?".

His voice was full of menace, his eyes held power as he leaned back in his chair as if he was a king.

All this time I had seen what Giovanni wanted me to see. He was a wolf in sheep's clothing. To me he was sweet, but he didn't seem to fool the people around me. The people I should have listened to.

Not wanting to waste my breath or energy on him, I stayed silent whilst glaring at him.

Smirking at my silence, he shuffled closer and held up one of the folders.

"It's alright baby, I know you're sad that you lost my little game, but in all honesty I don't want to hurt you".

Looking away from him in complete disgust, I stared at my stitched up leg wondering how the hell I was going to make it out alive.

"The game isn't over yet, Giovanni. I don't make promises very often, but I promise to kill you in the most merciless way possible" I muttered out with every ounce of hatred inside of me.

The good in me had gone. Being good is a weakness, that was a lesson I had learned too late.

Giovanni leaned back in his chair and laughed like a sadistic maniac.

"You're bold, I'll give you that. But how are you going to do that my darling? You're the one chained to the wall and I've accomplished everything I needed. It would have been so much more simpler if you're precious daddy agreed to the marriage proposal".

I felt my body tremble uncontrollably as he slowly opened up one of the folders and pulled out a couple of large papers.

"My father even had our wedding certificate at the ready, but we had adapted it so that I'd be the rightful owner of your father's businesses if the worst was to happen. Such a shame having to kill off a lovable couple. Do you want to see some pictures?" he mocked as he held up a bloody photo of my parents in the car. Dad had blood dripping down his face whilst staring down at mum unconscious in his arms.

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