New life new problems

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~Hey guys! I forgot to wright a draft so here it is. This is my second book that I've written, but this time I intend to finish it! I'm also new at this stuff so could someone comment telling me how I do chapters? If so THANKS! I know it's weird that I don't know how to make chapters but, hey. What are we gonna do 'bout it?

So without further ado, HERES MY STORY!!!!~ Ps. Bella is already a vampire ;) I also made up this thing called a special vampire. It's when a vampire has more than one power. Bella is that vampire. You will find out what powers she has later in the story!
I will also throw in little hints.
~Bella's P.OV~

It was the first day of school for me, here in Forks. I wasn't nervous. I had been doing this for nearly 300 years now. There was nothing to be afraid of. I already knew that I wouldn't make a lot of friends. Considering that humans have a sixth sense telling them to stay away from us vampires even if they don't know what we are.

I went to the principles office to go pick up my schedule. As the principle handed me my schedule, I flashed him a brilliant smile. I started gracefully walking down the hall. Then the smell hit my nose. (with my advanced sense of smell.) Other vampires were in this school. I knew they could smell me too. So I did what any other vampire would do. I shot them a death glare. I sighed. If only looks could kill.

The five vampires stalked over to me with anger in their topaz eyes. I knew they were going to start quietly yelling at me. How did I know? Just a good guess. And also a quick mind scan.

"What the hell are you doing here?!" The one who spoke, his name is Edward. If I hadn't known any better I would have thought I was actually falling for Him a bit. He was muscular but not quite as much as the other two boy. He had messy bronze hair and looked really boyish.

The other two boys were Jasper and Emmett. Emmett has an Imposing frame. He is tall and REALLY muscular. His hair is kind of curly and was really close to being black.

Jasper was tall also, like the other two. He also had a medium build. A little like Edward's. His his blond hair falls just above his collar.

The two girls Alice and Rosalie, were VERY different. Alice is tiny and graceful. Along with all of the other ones but her walk was just a lot more careful. Alice also has very short spiky hair.

Rosalie on the other hand, is strikingly beautiful. Her wavy blond hair falls halfway down her back. She is also fairly tall.

"I don't know what you're talking about." I said to play it off because there were people starting to look.

Edward had started to say something but I cut him off quickly.

"Look, let's not do this here. And no. I will not leave. I moved here to be with my dad. Let's just get through the day and then we can talk after school. Deal? " I said answering the questions he was about to voice. I knew them because I read his mind. One of my many gifts.

"Fine. After school. But be warned if you cause ANY trouble here, I will make sure you don't cause any more!" He practically yelled it.

I smiled and slipped past him.

I then heard Alice say, "What was that for?! She seemed really nice. And did you see her eyes? They weren't red or black! They were gold!" Edward then did a low growl at her and started walking off to his next class.

I held my breath to hold back a chuckle knowing that Edward would hear. I didn't want anymore trouble.

I walked over to my first class. I realized that Edward was following me. Then I heard is thoughts. He had the same English class as me. 'Oh shit' I voiced in my mind aware of Edwards gift and meant for him to hear it. I saw him pinch the bridge of his nose and started mumbling in his mind, 'this can't be happening' over and over again until I got fed up with hearing it and in my mind I yelled 'will you stop that?! I can hear you. It's getting really annoying!' Unaware of my gift he he looked at me in shock. Then I realized that I was at my first class. English.

I walked in flashing a smile at the teacher and he told me to introduce myself to the class.

"Hi. My name is Bella. I'm aware that you all know my real name, but please. Just call me Bella." After that said I flashed a quick smile to everyone.

I heard some of the girls and boys thoughts. The boys all had crushes on me but knew to stay away. As for the girls they wanted to be me. I quietly thought 'no you don't.' To myself as I was scanning the room for an open seat.

"You can sit over there." He said pointing next to Edward. (By the way the teachers name is Mr.Berty.)

'Oh crap' me and Edward thought.

I gracefully walked over to my seat. I sat as far away from him as possible.

As soon as class ended I knew that I was free from Edward's death glare. I then started heading for the cafeteria. Avoiding the lunch line. Surprisingly I made a couple of human friends. I went to sit down with them, but then I heard Edward calling me to sit at the Cullen's table.

"Is it okay if I don't sit with you guys today. I promise I'm not ditching you." I said distracted.

"Um.... Sure. You can sit with whoever you want. It is a free country." My new friend Jessica had said to me.

"Ok. Thanks. I promise I'll sit with you next time!" I called over my shoulder already heading towards the Cullen's table.

I quickly sat down. The first person to speak was Edward.

"Listen Bella, I'm sorry. I'm just not used to the fact that there is another vampire here." He apologized.

I was actually in shock for a moment. I could barely say my next words. That came out really slow.

"You. Are. Forgiven?" It came out as a question though I didn't mean for it to be.

Edward did a light chuckle. In his mind he accidentally said 'She's kinda hot.' He then quickly covered his mouth as I gasped in shock. All of his siblings were all asking the same question. What is going on.

"I can read minds. I also have other gifts. I read about vamp- I mean people like me. We're called special vampires. Mind reading is just one of my abilities. I also have many more." I explained to them.

Alice then asked a simple question, "How old are you? If you don't mind me asking."

"I'm 759 years old." I stated. "I have been doing this school thing for nearly 300 years." Then the bell signaling lunch over ended our conversation.

My last class had Alice in it. 'Thank god' I thought. After class had finished it was finally time for gym. I used to be really bad at it but now that I'm a vampire, I'm actually really good. Gym ended early for me because I did all my stretches and warm ups and finished first. The gym teacher said I was free to leave.

I then saw Edward Cullen standing next to the gym waiting for me. I quickly turned around so I could walk to my car and hope that he hadn't seen me. I already knew he did so there was no use in trying to get away.

"Yes?" I asked politely

"How about we go hunting some time? Or we could do a movie." He smiled while seeing my expression. I was in shock. I had actually started breathing.

"W-what?" I stammered.

"It's my form of asking a girl on a date."

"Y-yes. Hunting actually sounds nice." I stammered out quickly.

He smiled a crooked smile the took the little breath I had away. "Great. I'll see you tomorrow."

"Sounds good." I said. I had finally stopped breathing. I had gotten out of that habit a long time ago.

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