New power and the Volturi

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Hello!!!!! I'm back from ze dead. How've yall been? I love that you love my story. Thx so much!! Ily all.


"So... guys. I called you all here today to discuss an important matter. My last birthday. As you all know, I got a new power." I started. I had called the Cullens into their meeting room.

"You are all wondering 'what power did she get?' Well, your about to find out. TO THE GARDEN!" I lead them all out to the garden.

"Emmett. You know the drill." Emmett lunged at me. I jumped up. I was in the air. Not coming down. Just staying there. I then moved towards Edward a bit. Flying down to meet him. Everyone is staring at me in shock. I took a quick bow and pecked Edward on the lips.

"I also wanted to mention something."

"What is it Bells?" Emmett asked.

"It's Jane. She's coming. Now." I said. I then heard and could smell her scent. As we all knew she was coming to visit me. I told them it was just one little visit. No one is going to get hurt.

All of a sudden, Jane gave me a bone crushing hug.

"Hi... Jane." I said between breaths. She let go of me and I stumbled.

"Bella! Cullens. Bella! I'm so happy to see you! I missed you so much! You need to visit Volterra more often! Oh btw happy birthday! What new power did you get?" Jane said excitedly. When she said the Cullen's names she hisses the words.

"Hi Jane! I missed you too. I am planning to visit next month. Also my birthday was not happy. You know I go through hell on those days. And my new power is to fly." I said replying to everything she said and hugging her back.

"Oooooh! Show me!" She said. I then jumped in the air and did a little circle around the house. When I was finished I came down and landed gracefully in front of her.

"Jane?" I began.

"Yes, Bella?"

"How long are you staying?"

"2 weeks." She said casully. Uh oh. Time for rules.

"Jane, we need to discuss some rules. You are going to be staying with me at my house. You are also not allowed to drink human blood while you're here. If someone knocks, don't answer. I need to go to school. You can come with me if you want. But remember, always wear your contacts when we leave the house. Got it?" I asked.

"Yes miss bossy pants. And of course I won't hunt humans. I kind of wanted to try animal blood for a chance." She said. I was surprised. She was revolted by the scent of animal blood. Let alone drinking it. Something was wrong. No. Something is wrong.

I started searching her mind for the problem. 'Fine. You win. Aro no longer needs my services in the Volturi. I came to you seeking help. I've never been on my own.' She said through my gift. I gasped. She's one of my best friends. I can help her get started.

"Jane! Why didn't you just tell me? I'll help you get started. Where do you want a house?" I asked genuinely. She then gasped too.

"Really? You'd do that for me?" She asked surprised.

"Of course hon! In the meantime you can stay at my house. I have a few packs of animal blood in the fridge. Just follow my scent. I was there recently." I had blood in the fridge because, sometimes I feel lazy and don't want to hunt. Jane hugged me then ran to my house.

I realized Edward was stiff beside me.

"Babe, what's wrong?" I asked.

"Bella, it's nothing. We just have history together. Not dating history but history." That had me questioning. I kissed Edward goodbye. I grabbed Jane's and and ran at top speed with her. When we reached my house I told her to change into normal clothes. When she came back she had on, a pink crop top on, faded blue jean shorts, she kept on the Volturi crest, and for once in a century she has her straight blonde hair down.

"Wow Jane. You look hot." I said. she smiled. "Ok so listen you will be going to school at forks high. You will be my little cousin. You are also a freshman. You are 15 years old. Your name is, Jane Swan. Get it, got it, good." I check my phone. 6:30. We needed to go. Now. I'll enroll you. You start today."

"Ok. Cool." She said.

"Now, get in the car." I said teasingly. We got in the car. Of course I drove. We got there in 2 minutes. A new record! I enrolled Jane for two months. That's how long it would take for me to build her house and get her started.

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