Party Planning

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You all are probably confused. Bella and Edward got married in spring break. Therefore, they still haven't graduated. Also, Bella was turned at the age of 17. Just wanted to put that out there. You've probably noticed my new pics. Ik I didn't edit the story's but I didn't because I'm to lazy. I also just came back from a cheer competition. Ik I'm talking way to much. Enjoy this chapter!


All of the Cullens have been planning non-stop. Me and Alice did decor, Emmett ordered food for the hu- I mean our piers I had decided to give Emmett another job. He didn't seem to like getting the food. I decided to let him help us with the decor. Edward and Jasper have been getting stuff for the decor, and Rosalie has been getting us all new outfits. I don't know why. I could always do a mind scan. But what would the point in secrets be? I'm just kidding. I haven't been able to hear her thoughts. She's in LA getting our outfits. That girl. Always over doing it.

"Emmett! What are you doing?! The roses go over there!" I heard Alice yell. I chuckled.

"What are you doing here all alone?" He said kissing my forehead.

"Just thinking." I said kissing his jaw. Edward grabbed me by the waist and rubbed our noses together. When we finished I heard Emmett's thoughts. He was going to put up a banner near the backyard door.

"Dammit Emmett!" I yelled stomping over to him.

"Banners go by the front door!" I scolded. Alice appeared by my side.

"Everything must be perfect!" Alice and I said at the same time. We laughed.

"Emmett, you're fired from decoration duty. Go back to food duty!" I said. His head fell in fake disappointment. I pointed towards the door.

"I knew we shouldn't have put him on decor!" Alice said. I shrugged.

"Oh well." Was all I said.

~the next day Epov~

My family had arrived at the school first. As always. As the lot started to get filled with more people, we started introducing ourselves to more people. We wanted as many people to come as possible. Wait let me correct myself. Alice wanted as many people as possible to come. Bella wanted it to be big too, just not as much as Alice did.

When we introduced ourselves to everyone, the scent of another vampire filled my nose. It was Bella's newborn adopted sister Samantha. I checked her eyes. She was wearing brown contacts. This is good. She could smell Bella's scent. When she spotted her, she ran at human speed to her.

"Hi Bella!" She called out. Bella was talking to Alice then she turned around. She gasped.

"Hey kiddo!" She said tousling Samantha's hair. Samantha giggled.

"My first class is science. With Mr.Banner. My second is gym with Coach Clapp, next I have, government with Mr.Jefferson. Then my last is math with Mr.Varner." She said easily.

"We don't have any classes together." Bella said with a pouting face.

"I have gym with her!" Alice chimed.

"That's cool. Hi I'm-"

"Samantha. I know." Alice cut her off quickly.

"You're the fortune teller right. Pleasure to meet you." Samantha said back.

"Wait how did you know?" Bella asked her. That's right! We never told her that sAlice cold see the future.

"I don't know. It just came to me as a feeling." Samantha said back.

"Oh, you're like Eleazar! You have the ability to sense type and strength of gifted vampires' talents." Bella replied smacking her head. We all did an 'oh' then the bell rang for class. Bella and I walked Samantha to her first class. Se also sat next to us at lunch. Her and Alice had seemed to get along pretty well. They were chatting up a storm. Bella giggled at how fast they were talking and at what they were talking about. They were talking about their favorite celebrities and which one they would date. Then they asked Bella.

"No one. None of them could even compete with Edward." She said back casually.

"Aww. You're so sweet babe!" I said.

"I know." She said smiling and pulled my face down so our lips could meet.

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