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I'm just going to get right into the story. Enjoy!


With everything that has happened, I totally forgot! As always I started pacing around my room. It was time. Graduation. The word stuck in my mind for what seemed like forever. Today is March 30th. Graduation is in a few months!

For a vampire that's like two weeks! I need to plan. I rand to Alice's room and knocked on her door. She was thinking about graduation too. When I knocked she jumped. She then ran to the door and scowled at me.

"What the hell was that for? I was in deep concentration!" She said.

"I'm sorry. But after you hear this you're going to love me even more than you do now!" I said. She smiled. She then knew what I was planning.

"Oh my god! Bella that's a great idea!" She said happily.

"What's a great idea?" Emmett said appearing suddenly.

"Were you spying again Em?" I said.

"Um....maybe. But right now that's not the point. What are you two planning?"

"We're planning a party. For graduation I mean." Alice said even happier than before. I gave Alice a look that she immediately understood. Emmett was overly confused.

"No need to worry Emmy boy. It will all be explained." I said patting his head. Alice gave a light giggle.

"Carlisle!" I called out.

"Yes, Bella?" He answered at my side.

"Me and Alice had a good idea. In order to keep up the human facade, we should throw a party at our house!" I said making jazz hands.

"Hmmm, that's an excellent idea. I'll go make invitations." Carlisle said before taking off. Jasper and Ewdward then appeared right when Carlisle left.

"What is this I hear about a party?" Jasper asked crossing his arms. Edward did the same.

"Fine. Alice and I are planning a party. You know, for the human facade." I said trying to keep a snicker from forming on my lips. When I saw Jasper blink I was automatically behind him. When he opened his eyes he realized I was gone.

"Where did Bella go?" He asked.

"SURPRISE!" I yelled from behind him. He jumped forward almost three feet. I bust out laughing. I have Edward a high five. It was his idea after all. Alice also knew about it. That's what made it so fun. Jasper was panting.

"I'll get you back for this!" He said to me.

"Oh please. If you even think about pulling a prank on me, I'll know about it before you even know yourself!" I said boastfully.

~at school (still Bella)~

Before we got in the car for school, Carlisle had handed me the invitations. We all had taken my car. Of course, I drove. And as always we were there first. We decided to go to the front office to ask them if they could hand these out to each class. They agreed and we all headed to our first classes.

I went to my locker first so I could get the things I needed for my first class. When I had closed my locker, Edward was standing there smiling his wide crooked smile. I smiled back and reached up to kiss him lightly on the lips. We took each other's hands and headed to Biology.

Class seemed to continue on and on. As did the rest. Then it was finally lunch. Today I actually went to get something to eat. I grabbed an apple. Everyone looked at me like I was crazy.

"What? I just wanted to show you a new trick." I said eyeing everyone. They all gave a sigh of relief. I brought the apple to my mouth and made it look and sound like I had bitten it. But I didn't. I had burned the apple around the edges to make it look like I had bitten it. When I turned the apple to everyone, they actually thought I had bitten into it. I laughed.

"Don't worry. It was just a trick. I had burned it around the edges. And with my speed, disposed of it." I said. I had a wide smile on my face. They all laughed with me too.

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