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Hello again!! I almost broke my deal😱. I know. Scary right? But other than that here is chapter 5!! Can you believe it? I started this like 2 days ago. Look how far I've gotten. All thanks to you guys. If you guys didn't like this story then I wouldn't be writing it anymore. So thank you.

~Bella P.O.V~

I was waiting for Alice and Rose to arrive. I'm excited and also at the same time not very happy. I'm not happy because Edward won't be here. This is my first time without him since I moved to forks.

As I was pondering I heard Alice's Porsche pull into my drive way. I ran downstairs and got there in .1 seconds. As I opened the door I saw Alice staring at my house in shock.

My house is also in the middle in the forest. It has 4 floors. The 4th floor is the guest bedroom floor. It has 5 bedrooms. One of the rooms (the master) is my studio where I record all my songs. The 3rd floor is my closets and my bedroom. It is the same as it was in my earlier days. The 2nd floor is my cinema. I have movies from the time movies first came out. My first floor is my entrance and living room. My house in the front is pretty much like a large cabin.

"Oh... um welcome to my house. Come in, come in!" I said waving them in. Alice was still in shock from my house. Rosalie absolutely adored my house.

"How did you get this house?!" Alice exclaimed.

"Well, I spent the last 759 years saving. I also built the house. I bought all my furniture though." I told her. The silence was bothering me.

"So... Wanna raid my closet? We can play dress up." I said jokingly. Alice looked at me with an evil smile on her face.

"Alice, I was joking." She then grabbed me by the elbow and led me to the closets. Wait a second. How did she- oh. Her gift. This was not going to end well. For me at least.

When we finished "Bella Dress-up" I was getting a burning sensation in my throat. I then realized I hadn't hunted in 3 weeks.

"Um.. guys, can we go hunting? I really need to." I said.

"Of course. We haven't hunted in a while either." Rosalie said. We then ran outside. I was there first. (Of course.) As I was waiting I stalked a few heard of deer. I killed 3. I still don't like that I have to kill, but if I don't feed then I'll kill all the humans around me.

The next day came. It was time for Alice and Rosalie to leave. I said my goodbyes and they were off.

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