Just a normal boring day

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This chapter is just about training. Skip if you want to. I'm just writing this one just to get a chapter out.


"Hey, I have an idea!" Bella said running down the stairs. It has been a boring and uneventful day. What could go wrong?

"We should all train! You never know who would be stupid enough to challenge the Cullens!" She said throwing her arms in the air.

"Hm...it's not a bad idea. It's actually terrific to me." Carlisle said.

"I don't care. As long as I can kick someone's butt!" Emmett said.

"Well then, I can hear and see that everyone agrees. I also have a training room. I just closed it off. You know, for alone time." Bella said shrugging. "TO THE TRAINING FACILITY!" We all laughed.


As always I paired up with Emmett. I thought it would be better in two people went against each other. And at the end, the teams can go against another team. I told everybody that they couldn't be with their mates. So Carlisle is with Alice, Jasper against Edward, Emmett against me, and Rosalie against Esme.

As I was thinking, I came up with a new move. I smiled at Emmett evily. He tried to kick me in the torso. I put up a hand with me shield extended on it and all he hit was the shield. He kept trying to hit and kick me, but I just kept doing the same thing. Making hexagons with my shield and have him hit that. When he was preoccupied with trying to hit me, I slid in between his legs and kicked him from behind.

"I win!" I said quietly yelling. "Now, who wants to go against me?" I asked triumphantly. Everyone backed away slowly. Then Edward stepped up.

"Ok. I'll go." He said skeptically. I gave him an evil smile. We took our stances.

"Go!" Shouted Carlisle. Edward was fast. But I was faster. He tried knock me off my feet, but I always moved or used my shield. Sometimes he'd get pushed back a few feet. But he never fell. Then I came at him at the speed of light. Using my magnet, I manipulated everyone's speed onto me. I came at Edward from all sides until he fell. I put my foot on his back playfully. He pretended to be dead.

"Victory goes to; Isabella Cullen! And the crowd goes wild!" I imitated a crowd cheering. I took a bow.

"Wow Bella. You'd be great on the battle field." Jasper said with his face looking like he was impressed. I did another bow. Then her scent filled my nose. Victoria. I hissed in my mind.

"Who?" Edward asked. I did a loud huff.

"Victoria. The Volturi killed her mate, James. I happened to be there. I actually didn't have a spotless record before Irena. I actually killed James. They made me. I didn't want to. But of course, Victoria thought he loved her. He was a womanizer. So disgusting." I made a disgusted face, crossed my arms, and shook my head sideways. "If it's a fight she wants, its a fight she'll get." I said with an angry expression on my face.

Victoria didn't come alone. She was too smart for that. She made an army. More specifically, a newborn army.

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