Coming Home

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Idk what to say. Enjoy? Sorry there's no pic. I'll get one. Promise.


I had just gotten a call from Carlisle. He said that there was an earthquake and all of our rooms were destroyed. Well, decoration wise. Bella heard me sigh.

"What's wrong honey?" She asked me.

"It's forks. Leave it to Forks to ruin a happy day." I said glumly. She laughed her musical laughter. She also did a sigh. 'Indeed. Leave it to forks and my bad luck.' She thought to both of us. 'Don't say that. If it wasn't for your "bad luck" you wouldn't be right here sitting next to me.' I thought comforting her.

"Guess we're going back." She said. Outside I could hear Cynthia screaming happy things for us leaving. Me and Bella both laughed. We packed our stuff and headed out. We had to take a plane. I mean, we try to act human. And there were too many boats out tonight.

As we boarded, a lot of the men on the plane were thinking disturbing things. Instead of me hissing she hissed. That immediately changed the way the men thought. I smiled. When we got to our seats, everyone was staring at us. 'They're a beautiful couple.' One woman thought. That was very kind.

The ride was a 2 day flight. The flight attendant tried to bring us food and pillows but we always rejected. Me and Bella just kept having conversations about our past lives. She told my anything I didn't already know about her. She even told me about her deceased siblings. Their story was truly sad.


I had a hard time telling Edward about my siblings. I have trouble saying that to anyone. So here's the story. The year was 1270. Yes I'm old. I had 3 siblings. Mathew who was 20, Lilly who was 13 and my twin. Then my youngest brother. Alex. He was only 9 years old. This is the story on how they died. Me and my dad had gone camping. My mother was in Paris for trading reasons. My mom and dad had told Mathew he was in charge. (I learned this from my gift) When we left everything was under control. Then the witch hunt came.

Everyone was paranoid. My family was the first ones to be convicted of witchcraft. Me and my dad were still on our trip. By the time we got back, it was already to late. They had burned my siblings to nothingness. I screamed in pain when I saw their burnt skulls and bones. I was angry at all the people who convicted my family of witchcraft without a trial. 'You're all going to burn in hell! It is going to be even more painful than what you did to my family!' is what I yelled to them. My father told me to keep my mouth shut. So I wouldn't have to face the same fate as my brothers and sister.

That's when I met Brittany. I told her everything. We spent the rest of our lives together. She was my new sister. I could always feel my siblings watching over me. I was happy with Brittany in my life. Then the night when both of our lives ended. Christopher Columbus actually wasn't the first one in America. Me and Brittany were. We sailed there on our own. Trying to get away from all the madness. We first came to Forks, Washington. We would build our houses and camp. Then the night came. When I changed, I saw Brittany's bloodless and lifeless body on the forest ground. My house is now a memorial of her.

That was everything. I told Edward everything that happened to me. 'Please never tell anyone. It's kind of hard for me.' I said through our gift. 'I swear.' He thought back. Then the speaker came on.

"We will be landing in Forks in half-an hour. Please buckle your seat belts." The female voice said. All of the passengers obeyed. As we were landing, we hit a bit of turbulence. I saw the plane crashing. 'Not today.' I thought. Edward gave me a curious look. I used my shield to steady the plane. We landed safely.

Alice came to pick us up. She drove in her yellow Porsche. We both had the same vision.

"Ok. What is going on?" Edward asked getting fed up.

"Oh nothing. I just saved a plane today." I said shrugging my shoulders.

"What do you mean?" He asked. I forgot I had my mental shield on.

" and Alice had a vision. We saw the plane crashing. I decided to save it. No big deal." I said to him casually.

"Oh. Well why didn't you tell me?" He asked.

"I don't know. I just wants it to be a thing of the past." I said intertwining our fingers together. I kissed his cheek and we were silent for the rest of the trip.

When we got home, Edward and I came back to a loud chorus of hellos. Well maybe it's just me. My senses are 100x stronger than any of theirs. We greeted them back.

"I'm going to go clean my room." I said expressionlessly. When I got to my room, everything was everywhere. I sighed. I cleaned my room in less than 5 minutes. When I came back down I still had my expressionless mask on. They all knew something was wrong.

"Bella, honey, what's wrong?" Esme asked in her sweet motherly tone.

"Um...." was all I managed to get out before Edward came in. I motioned for him to sit next to me. Hey, I didn't want to go through this alone. 'Well, you're going to tell them.' I said through mind contact. 'What?! Why me?' He asked back. 'Because, as I said, this ruins my spotless record.' He sighed. Everyone was staring waiting for an explanation.

"Well, we had a... run into our cousin." Everyone looked at us in shock. "She um...was looking for a fight. To finish off... Bella. Of course, we didn't let that happen she wouldn't stand down so...we uh...had to uh, dismember her. And so the situation... didn't get...complicated, she is no longer with us." Edward said stopping in between to give me worried glances.

"Oh. At least she won't cloud up my visions with changing her mind all the time." Alice said annoyed.

"I'm so very sorry. It was the most terrible thing I have ever done." I said.

"Why are you apologizing Bella?" Emmett asked.

"Because I killed one of your 'cousins'!" I said.

"Aw, Bella honey, it's ok. You had to do something." Carlisle said to me.

"Thanks, Carlisle." I said sweetly. What would I do without my new family?

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