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Hello. This is the third to last chapter. I know. Sad. I really enjoyed writing this. I'm making another book after this one. It's kind of the same way. Just a little. It's opposite twilight. Ik that name has been used. That's why I'm trying to make it my own. So with out further ado, here it is.

(This is 2016 Jayla. I lied. There is no opposite twilight book. Sorry)


Alice and I checked to see how many Victoria created. 20. Not to hard not to easy. Our family only had 8. I could've taken them all easily, but of course, they wouldn't let me. So, in order to kind of even it out, I had to go to La Push. This I had been dreading. I sighed.

"Guess I better head out. You know before it gets to late. Hopefully they haven't forgotten about my deal." I said evilly. I kissed Edward goodbye. I was about to leave then he grabbed me by the waist and spun me around to face him.

"Bella, you don't have to go." He said staring intently into my eyes. I sighed.

"Edward, as much as I don't want to, I have to. If it's just our family then that means..." I stuttered to Get out the words. "Lives lost. I can't ask you to die for something I did. It's not fair." I said looking down. I gently pulled away from Edward. He let me go. I sighed and blew a loose strand of hair from my face.

~At La Push~

As I got onto the territory, everyone enclosed me in a group hug. I smiled. I kind of missed everybody. Except one in particular person.

"We missed you so much Bella!" Leah exclaimed. I sighed.

"I missed you too." I said hugging everyone back. Then Jacob entered. I refused to meet his hurt gaze. "But that's not why I'm here. I have a problem. I was hoping you guys could help me with it." I said serious now.

"Of course. Whatever you need." Sam said in his strong alpha tone. I explained it all to them. They all gladly excepted.

"Thank you. All of you. I wouldn't be asking you to risk your lives for my family if it meant any of you getting hurt. I'm asking because they're all being so stubborn." I said. They did one little laugh. Then the mood was serious. "They're coming in 3 days. Which means we only have two days to train." I said.

"Why two?" Jacob asked.

"Because you all need your sleep. You can't be falling asleep in the middle of a battle. Instant death." I said expressionlessly. They all seemed to agree. "I better get back. To tell them that you've agreed. And again, thank you." They all said "your welcome" and before they could blink, I was already halfway home.

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