La Push

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Hey guys! The same thing happened again. So this chapter is going to be out late. I'm really sorry.


Me and Edward are at our meadow. As usual we are just staring into each others topaz eyes. I was wearing at light blue crop top with a black cami with faded skinny jeans. I put up my shield so he wouldn't know what I was about to do. 'You can do this.' Is what I kept telling myself over and over again. I then leapt into his sparkling arms and kisses him passionately. At first he was shocked. He then responded by kissing me back. We kissed each other for an hour.

"I've wanted to do that for a long time." I said. He chuckled. I then realized that I had left my book bag at home. I then ran home. I told Edward why I was leaving before I left. Once I had gotten my book bag I smelled Edward intoxicating scent. I walked downstairs and pecked him on the lips. I also realized he didn't have his car.

"Need a ride honey?" I asked sweetly. He chuckled.

"Guess I forgot my car." He said casually. I pecked him on the lips and drove us to school. I always drive really fast so we got there in 5 minutes. It usually takes 20. We were the first ones there.

As we walked in I saw everyone staring at us. I didn't care. All that mattered was Edward.

"Oh yeah, I forgot to mention something." He started.

"What is it?" I asked.

"I have all the same classes as you now." I did an elated squeal.

"Yay!" I practically yelled.

We walked to my first class. Let me correct myself. Our first class. We pretty much spent the whole time staring at each other. Our teacher then walked up to me and asked me a really hard question. For humans at least. I gave him the answer easily. He was trying to embarrass me. I actually wasn't paying attention. I heard the answer in his thoughts. They were pretty loud.

As I headed toward the Cullen table Jessica quickly hopped in front of me.

"Hey Bella! Some of my friends and I are going to La Push on Saturday. Wanna come?" Jess asked quickly. La Push is a reservation.

"Um.... will it be sunny?" I asked skeptically.

"Of course not! We live in Forks! The wettest and darkest place in America!" She exclaimed.

"Ok. Fine. I'll be there." I said. She squealed and headed back to her seat.

I went to sit at the table. Alice, Jasper, Rosalie, and Emmett were already there. It was too quiet.

"So... Do any of you want to go to La Push with me?" I asked.

"Sorry. We're not allowed to go there." Alice explained in her normal cheery tone.

"Aw. It's fine." I said. I was a little bummed. Edward seemed really mad. I started rubbing his back. He calmed down a bit at my touch. I used Jaspers power to calm him down.

"What's wrong?" I asked him. He just shook his head and smiled.

"Nothing." Is all he said. I tried searching his mind. 'Why won't you tell me?' I asked him in his mind. 'Please just leave it alone Bella. I'm not being mean. But please.' Then the bell rang.

By the Tim gym came, lunch was all a distant memory. Since Edward changed all his classes to match mine, we had gym together. We were playing volleyball. 'You're going down' I told through his mind. 'In your dreams!' He replied. When the game ended my team won. We had scored 9 points more than the other team.

"What was that you said about me winning only in my dreams?" I asked him playfully. He pushed my head gently. I was about to head to my car but before I could I gave Edward a quick peck on the lips.

~At La Push~

Jessica was at the bonfire waiting for me. I took a quick walk around the reservation. As I was heading toward the fire, two big men or teens (I couldn't tell which) had come up to me. Their names are Paul and Jared. I took a quick whiff of them. Then I regretted it. They smelled repulsive. It was the worst stench I had ever smelled.

"Excuse me but is that red Ferrari yours?" Paul asked me.

"Yes. Why?" I asked.

"Because the windshield is smashed." Jared said. I ran to my car at human speed. When I got there, everything was perfectly fine. When I turned around a group of the reservation men were standing in front of me.

"What the hell?! You had me scared that I got robbed!"

"You can't be here leech." Paul said. That was a jerky move.

"Excuse me?" I said.

"We know what you are. Vampires are not allowed on werewolf territory." The biggest one said. I was relieved to know why Edward was so mad. I was also pissed at these mutts. I am much stronger than they will ever be. Who are they to boss me around.

"Listen, I didn't come to pick a fight. I'm here because my friends wanted me to be here. I didn't know. But I will not leave. I am much stronger than any vampire. I'm also much stronger than a dog. So, I will be allowed to be here freely whenever I want. Deal?" I said.

"No. Why would we make a deal with a blood sucking leech?" Jacob asked. I knew his name because we was the alpha and I searched his mind.

"You really want to try me?" I asked hissing. He growled. I mumbled the word 'pain' and Jacob fell to the floor in pain. I quickly removed the pain.

"So, once again. Do we have a deal?" Jacob then nodded. I loved getting what I want.

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