Island Esme Part 1

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Hey!! Sorry this is out late. I was really busy. Sorry for the wait.


When we got to Rio, Bella and I had some fun. We danced, we laughed, and we danced some more.

"Are we staying in Rio?" Bella asked me.

"No, this is just a little pit-stop. We still have one more stop." I said with a sly smile on my face. She looked at me curiously. I then led her to a nice small motor boat and we rode to a little island. She looked at the island with awe in her eyes. I chuckled.

"This is Isle Esme... A gift from Carlisle. Esme offered to let us borrow it." I said chuckling at her expression.

"Wow. Thanks Esme." Bella said.


After Edward told me the history of isle Esme, I did a quick run around the island and came back within 0.5 seconds.

"What took you so long?" He asked me teasingly. I pushed him slightly. He took my waist and lead us to a little cottage. When I got in I saw a kitchen, a living room, and one bedroom. It had a king bed.

"What are we supposed to do with this?" I said motioning towards the bed.
(Warning: it's about to get freaky up in here)
"I can think of a few things." He said seductively. I already knew where this was going. He started kissing me passionately and urgently. Grabbed his collar and pushed him onto the bed and started kissing his neck. He took off my shirt. I took off his. He moved on top of me and started kissing up and down my body. I gave a couple of little moans and grabbed the head board. I accidentally broke it. Oh well.

I moved back on top of him and started kissing him down his stomach. (Don't worry it's not going to get that freaky) he grabbed the pillow he was on and grabbed. With the force he used, I tore in half. The feathers flowed down like rain. He moved back on top of me and I wrapped my leg around his back, and he started kissing my mouth. His tongue circled around my bottom lip as if asking for entrance.

I opened my mouth do his tongue and mine could meet. I dropped for a second and he looked at me with a sad expression.

"Don't worry. I just think that the house keeper will go crazy if we continue. Just look at this place!" I said patting his chest. (It's over now! You can continue reading if you're a younger reader). He looked around the destroyed room. Broken headboard, ripped curtains, and destroyed pillows. He laughed.

"Oops." We both said.

"Edward?" I said.

"Yes, darling?" He replied innocently.

"The house keepers will probably be in here a long time. So I was wondering, want to go swimming?" I asked him.

"Of course." He said back with a smile on his face. I went to the bathroom and changed into a really sexy black bikini bathing suit Alice got me. This is going to be embarrassing. When I got changed, I found Edward waiting for me in his trunks, his hand extended out to me. I took it eagerly and we ran to the forest river. I looked for a cliff. When I found one I jumped off and did a beautiful swan dive. Edward looked at me in awe. He wanted to be a show off to and did a back flip off the cliff. When he landed in the water I have him a little splash.

"Show off." I muttered. He chuckled. We did races in human speed and I messed with my powers. When I thought he wasn't looking, I used my powers to make a huge wave and splash him. I bust out laughing. He gave me an evil smile and splashed me back. And that's how the water war started. I'm just kidding. When I got him trapped in a water dome, I slipped in and kissed him. He laughed.

"Should we head back to the house? Or should we head to the beach?" I asked him.

"Let's head to the beach. I want to see your beautiful skin. And also the house keepers are probably still there." He responded. That sounded like a good idea.

"Is there any games we could play?" I asked.

"Yes. There is chess. Do you play?" I laughed a sarcastic laugh.

"Edward! I'm 760 years old! Of course I have! I also happen to be a master at it." I said boastfully. He did an evil laugh.

"You. Are. On." He said playfully evil. When we got there, we pretty much just read each others thoughts on what move we were going to make. In the end I won. I looked into his eyes. And at his sparkling skin. I climbed of the chess board, wrapped my arms around his neck and started kissing him. When I pulled away he pouted. I laughed.

"For some reason in eager to see the little humans' faces." I said with a sly smile on my face. He laughed. He picked me up bridal style, and led me inside. When we got to the door, he put me down. I gave him a fake nervous look and headed inside.

When we got in, everything looked as it did when we came in the first. I had a look of awe on my face. Wow, those humans really know how to clean up a place. As we headed to the living room, a little Puerto Rican woman looked at us with an angry expression in her face but kept her distance.

"Hiciste un lío enorme!" She yelled at us in Spanish. In translation she said, "You made a huge mess!" I gave her an apologetic look, and walked over to her. She backed away a little.

"Soy señora lo siento." I said in my flawless Spanish. In translation, "I'm sorry ma'am." Her angry look turned down a bit.

"Está bien sólo asegúrese de que no vuelva a ocurrir." Translation, "it's ok. Just make sure it doesn't happen again." I did a thinking face.

"Hm...sin promesas." I said. Translation, "no promises." She rolled her eyes. Edward then spoke for the first time.

"Otra vez nos sentimos muchos." He said flawlessly. Translation, "again we're very sorry." The woman, (her name is Cynthia) rolled her eyes again. She then saw my ring.

"Felicitaciones." She said expressionlessly. Translation, "Congratulations." I smiled at her.

"Gracias." I said. Translation, "thank you."

"De nada." Cynthia said back to me. Translation, "you're welcome." After that, me and Edward went back to our room. We just spent the rest of the night cuddling in each other's arms.

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