Chapter 2

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It's been two days since I've seen the stranger at the cafe i have a theory that he was just visiting new York for business or family or maybe he thought the coffee was bad, which I don't think anyone couldn't like ms.evertts coffee it's like heaven in a cup! But I'm now on my way to the book store to visit my favorite librarian mr.william and I need new books so that's also a reason. I park into the parking space carefully and walk through the library doors quickly scanning to see where mr.william is, I see him and wave and walk over and give him a hug.

"Hey darling how are you?."he asks.

"I'm doing fine mr.William, how about you?" i question him.

"I'm doing fine, now what kind of book are u looking for today?." He wondered

"hmm maybe a romance I haven't read one of those in ages!"I speak excited

"ok dear follow me."he tells me
I nod and follow him to the middle row of bookshelf's.

5 minutes later:
I finally found the perfect book and I can finally pay and go get my daily coffee from ms.evertt , walking up to the cash register my total comes too $10.30 so I pay and tell mr.william that ms.evertt is still single before I run out before he can tell me he doesn't like her like that, which he's lying while I'm running I run into a wall and fall right on my butt,or what I thought was a wall I look up to see it's the stranger from the cafe!

"hey stranger!"I say.

"watch were your going." He scoffs.

"sorry." I say a little above a whisper.

as he tries to walk away I run up behind him

"Hey! I never got your name." I say

"god are you stupid, do you live under a god damn rock?." He yells out

"no actually I live in a apartment but u were somewhat close I guess, now what's your name?"I ask again.

"My names Xavier, go away now."he barks

"cool name mines pretty basic it's heather, wait have I already told you that?."I ask

"Yes you have now go away." He grunts

"Sheesh who peed in your cereal this morning." I reply

I think I made him mad because he hopped in his car and drove off with a very angry expression, all I was doing was asking a question what a buttface.

Shortly after that I hoped in my car and drove off too see coco and check on her before getting on my online college classes. As soon as I arrive and open the door coco comes flying around the wall and tackles my small figure giving me sloppy kisses I giggle as I lock my door and head to get my computer for my classes.

A couple hours later I was done with my classes and everything. Your probably wondering where I got all of the money too do college and have a pretty nice apartment, my parents were rich and after they died they left me over 2 million dollars to my name which means I'm pretty much rich too but I like to live a humble life instead of living in a mansion. I like my Average apartment it's cozy in my opinion it's way better then any big house.



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i love you so much thank u for reading this chapter!<3

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i love you so much thank u for reading this chapter!<3

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