Chapter 8

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Heathers pov:
I feel sun beams lowering down on my face which causes me to Groan and slowly open my eyes.

after sitting up the headache comes rushing to my brain which makes me remember last nights events and being carried by someone.

I quickly take a glance at my surroundings to only be shown a black room with a big wall that's only windows and myself in a big red velvet bed that could swallow me hole.

I don't feel my skin clinging dress on me which causes me to shriek before I look down to be greeted with a gray t shirt that smells and looks like a mans t shirt.

I jump out of the bed and run to the door and unlock it and step out of the room into a hallway which has black and dark red walls that look devilishly expensive.

After walking past the same walls 7 times I soon realized I was most definitely lost in this big house. My only idea was too walk into random doors until I find someone who can show me the exit out of this maze.

coming across a door with a giant black door that has a good handle I press down the handle and push the door open too see a bedroom that is completely empty. Next door is black as well but with a red handle I push the door open and once again fucking nothing.

After looking through several doors I'm Down to the last door on this hallway which has double doors that are black and have tinted black glass as well as gold handles.

I push open the door and walk into the room.

"Helloo is anyone here?." I say irritated

"I see your awake." I hear gruff voice from behind me.

I turn around to be met with xavier in only a towel and water dripping down his not a 6 but a 8 pack which makes him look like a god on earth.

"I uh got lost after I woke up and started trying to find someone who could show me the exist." I muttered out

"mhm give me one second too change and I'll make breakfast before you leave." He replies

"no that's fine I'm not hungry." I say back to him.

"It wasn't a question, now are you going to stand there and watch me change?." He asks with a smirk on his face.

"sorry." I say and walk out of the room and close the doors.

Sheesh this chapter is short lmfao sorry

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