Chapter 10

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after me and Xavier got in the car he drove me back to my apartment after getting my number and now I'm on my way to go pick up a kid that my friend needs me to babysit.

After listening to royals by Lorde I finally arrive at my friends house or aka christys house.

I get out of my car and straighten out my clothes and walk up to the door and knock and christy answers the door.

"Oh good your here!." She exclaimed

"Yep where's the little one?" I ask

"He should be coming right about now with his bag." She replies

"Ok no worries." I say back

"Again thank you so much this business trip was so late minute." She thanks me while fixing her earring.

"Of course I didn't have anything to do this week end and I love the kid." I assure her.

Soon enough Blake comes running down the stairs with his bag and teddy bear and jumps on me to hug me.

"Hey kiddo!" I say excitedly

"Hey aunt heather I missed you." He says as I put him into a hug.

" I missed you too buddy now come on your moms gonna be late!" I say

"Ok bye mommy I love you!" He says to christy before running to give her a hug.

"I love you too sweetie now be good ok?" She asks him.

"Ok mommy bye!" He says before running out the door towards my car.

"Bye Christy have fun!" I say before walking to the car and strapping in Blake into his car seat.

I walk over too the drivers side after securing him in his car seat and start the car and pull out of the drive way.

"So Blake where do you wanna go today?" I question him.

"To the park!" He says cheerfully.

"Ok to the park we go!" I say happily.

I drive off to the park and take a left and turn into the community park that was the closet to us.

I unbuckle Blake and life him out of the car and grab his hand and shut his car door and continue to walk us towards the playground.

"What do you wanna go on first kiddo?" I ask him while he studies the park.

"Hmm Monkey bars!" He says as he runs towards them.

I follow him and watch him swing around on the monkey bars and suddenly he doesn't quite make the next one and falls down.

"OWW." He whines while holding on to his knee.

I run over to him and pick him up and place him on the bench.

"Ok where does it hurt Blake?" I ask him worried.

"Right here." He says as he points to his knee cap.

"Ok let's try to see if you can bend your leg." I say gently holding onto his leg and bending it slowly.

"Ok kiddo it's not broken you just sprained it." I say relived that he didn't break anything.

I scoop him up and put his arms around my neck and walk towards the car before bumping into someone.

"I'm so sorry sir." I say only being able to see the person chest.

"Heather? You have a kid?" He questions and I soon realize it's Xavier.

"Oh hey Xavier and no this isn't my kid I stole him." I joke

I don't think he thought he was a joke cause his eyes went wide.

"Uhm I was joking I didn't actually steal him I'm baby sitting him." I say and he nods.

"Heather can we get ice cream pleaseee." Blake begs me.

"Sure kiddo." I say back.

"Xavier do you wanna come?" I ask

"Sure." He replies

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