Chapter 3

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I'm currently at the store dressed in jeans and a lace top deciding on bbq Pringle's or original it's basically like me choosing my dog or my left toe, I decided on both I throw them in my cart and keep walking down to the vegetables and fruits section, I grab a couple apples and peaches and carrots then head on over to the drink isle which I chose water and fruit punch because why not.

(Outfit in beginning of chapter)

after getting all the food I head to the dog food and treat isle because he needs more treats and food so I grab the treats but I can't reach the giant bag of dog food and right as I'm about to climb the shelf's a big arm comes over my head and hands me the dog food, I quickly turn around only to see xavier in a tight black shirt with grey sweat pants.

"Thank you Xavier." I thank him softly.

"your welcome."he reply's back and walks away.

geez I guess he didn't wanna talk to me, after getting cocos food and treats I head over to the checkout as I wait for my turn I look and grab a pack of gum even though I already have some in my bag, you can never have enough.


After waiting of what felt like a eternity the person in front of me leaves and it's my turn to check out, after getting checked out I notice it's pitch black outside and I parked way down the isles of cars so I put my keys between my fingers knowing how brutal New Yorkers are,
I fast walk down to my car before I feel a arm drag me between two cars and cover my mouth.

I try to get a good look at him while I was scratching his face and screaming he looked around 50,beard,brown eyes maybe? Also wearing a ugly flannel and dark black jeans, while I was screaming and cutting him he tried to undo my top and threw my keys out of my hands he almost had my top undone until he was on the ground getting punch relentlessly by....


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