Chapter 1

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Clara's POV

If the doctor hadn't drank that bloody drink, we would be happily eating lunch. Our plan for the day was just to have a nice, relaxing stay in this little town where there was absolutely no troubles.

The doctor's plan was apparently to abandon me and run off with his beloved TARDIS. Stupid drink.

After about an hour of waiting, I went and found a restaurant that I could sit down in. I was in a small town, and it wasn't very hard to find one. There was a large selection, and I ended up picking one that had a sign on the front door that read 'Impossibly good pizza.' That way maybe the doctor would see the word impossible and at least think of me if he came back for me. I hope.

As I walked in, stress and anxiety got the best of me. I could feel tears welling up and my face growing red. I knew that I wasn't really stuck there. I could easily get back home by just flying on an airplane. I was in the correct time period, after all.

It was just the mere thought of being alone that made me anxious. Being alone wasn't new to me, but being alone in the wrong country when I was supposed to be with someone was really nerve wracking.

The waitress sat me at a table, and as soon as she left, I broke. I buried my face into the palms of my hands and quietly sobbed. I tried to hide my shaking shoulders, but I didn't care enough or have enough energy to completely mask my emotions. It's not like I would have known anyone in that place.

"You have got to get a hold of yourself, Clara." I mumbled to myself. "You can't just expect the doctor to come pick you up with a full explanation of what happened. The old doctor might have done that, but this isn't your precious little Prince Charming anymore. This is the doctor now, and that's just how it is."

Great. I thought. If the Americans didn't already think I was crazy, then they do now. For heaven's sake, I'm actually talking to myself. I must be going completely mad.

After I few minutes, I heard a shuffling noise next to me. I figured it was the waitress again.

"I'm not ready yet, can I have a few more minutes?" I mumbled into my hands.

"Well, you could. But I only came over to say hello."

It was a deep voice that spoke. Definitely not the waitress.

I looked up to see a pair of beautiful greenish-hazel eyes looking back at me. They matched with a few freckles and some golden brown hair. The voice belonged to a man. A good looking man. I could feel myself blushing.

"You're not the waitress..." Nice job, Clara. State the obvious.

"No I'm not," the man chuckled. "My name's Dean. I just came over to make sure you were okay. I like your accent by the way. Are you British?"

"Oh, well then. I'm fine, thank you. And yes, I am."

Dean stared at me with those beautiful eyes of his. He seemed concerned. Why he was so concerned about a complete stranger, I do not know.

"Are you sure?"

I looked up at him then lowered my head back into my hands.

"Do you really want to know?" I looked through my fingers and saw him nod slightly. "Well, then no. I'm not okay. My friend left me by myself in this little town and I don't know how to get back home without him."

I don't know why I told him what had happened. There was just something about Dean that made me eager to talk to him.

"Well that friend sounds like a pretty big douche, to me."

I looked up.

"Please, don't call him that. I think that someone may have drugged him. He started acting all funny and he just got up and walked away from me. I don't know what happened."

Dean suddenly got tense.


He stood up.

"Excuse me. I'll be right back." He said. "What's your name again?"

"Clara. Clara Oswald."

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