Chapter 2

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Dean's POV

There was just something about Clara that made me automatically like her. I have liked lots of girls, but none like this. The poor girl was a mess when I first laid eyes on her, but she still caught my attention. But she didn't catch my attention because she was a mess. That was just a minor detail about her.

But how much I liked her didn't matter. It seemed like she had a boyfriend, plus, there seemed to be a job to work. Her description made it seem like her friend was possessed.

Sam rolled his eyes as I walked over to him.

"Did you get her number?"

"Actually, no. But I think there is a demon out there possessing her friend. We should probably check that out."

"Dean, we're in the middle of a job. We can take care of that later, I've found something we can use to kill this thing."

"No, Sam. We're going to help the girl. Get over it."

Sam looked at me curiously. He seemed to be wondering why I was so upset over this. Even I was wondering why I was so upset about it.

"Okay, whatever. We'll help the girl. Why do you care so much, anyway?"

"Because, Sammy, I feel like if there is a girl crying because her friend got in his car and left her, that we should help out a little."

Sam gave me his signature eye roll. Classic.

I walked back over to Clara and waved my hand towards Sam as a signal for him to follow.

"Hey, Clara. This is my brother, Sam."

Clara smiled slightly as Sam sat down across from her.

"Clara, we need to ask you a few questions." Sam spoke as we pulled out our badges. Well, our fake badges.

Clara got tense. "What's going on?"

I didn't like seeing her tense, so I sat down next to Sam. "Don't worry, we just have a few routine questions. We're concerned about your friend."

"What's wrong with him? I'm pretty sure someone just slipped something in his drink, that's all!"

I looked over at Sam and he raised his eyebrows a little.

"We just want to make sure." I didn't like lying to her. As I looked back at her, I noticed that her eyes started welling up with tears again.

"Okay, fine. What do you want to know?" She was good at keeping her voice steady.

I glanced at Sam. It was my attempt at signaling him to take charge. And it worked.

"Had your friend been acting weird before he left you?"

Clara squirmed in her seat. "Not anything that I can remember."

"Are you sure?" I didn't like pestering her, but it has to be done.

"Well, there was one thing."

Sam and I sat up in our seats simultaneously.

"What would that be?" Sam was getting anxious. I could almost feel his heart racing from the seat over.

"I thought I was just going crazy when I saw it. I thought maybe someone had slipped something in my drink too..." She hesitated for a moment and then decided to go on. "But for a moment I could have sworn that his eyes flashed black."

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